kids these days

"this video is about some 9-year-old arguing with his mother about Chocolate Milk while playing Xbox Live, and forgetting to turn his Headset off. "

about the 1:30 mark it will become more clear.

i can’t wait to beat the fuck out of my smart-ass kids.

id break his f’ing knees with a bat :spank: hahahahaha

hahaha… my child would/will NEVER talk to me like that without getting beat. I would take that Xbox and throw it againt the wall.

You seem like a smart enough person to not raise a child to talk to his mother that way…

I know when i mouthed off to my mom and told her to ‘shut up’ my dad was quick with the back of his hand.


but thats like my brother… i guess my parents raised me and my older brother right…and then said fawk it with my little brother, hes a fuckstick.

bwahahahahahaha about the time the first “bullshit” came out of his mouth, he’d be one non-xbox-owning kid if that was my kid…

I wouldn’t have even considered taking that tone w/ my mom and dad…sheesh, I got seriously in trouble when I was being smart mouthed, my dad said “Bullshit” to me, and I replied “they DO don’t they” :bowrofl:

turn on xbox -> settings -> parental controls -> xbox live / off

problem solved.

thats what happens when you cant beat your kids anymore because its “abuse”

fuck that Id pimpsmack the fuck outa my kid if he did that shit. I might got to jail but I bet his ass wont do it again

exactly… i remember my father giving me and my brother a swift back hand when we got out of line… but you know neither of us ever did that again…

even watching my little brother get whacked was enough to keep me from screwing around! I came out alright… and so did he…

yup,u kids!

yeah if the parents even know how to turn it on. Lots of parents have no clue how to work any of that stuff… :eek4dance

no kid of mine would ever get to the point where he felt it was ok to talk to his mother that way…at least i hope not, or i’ve failed horribly as a father

:backhand: … id def be ebaying his tv and xbox


i would never hit a kid. my parents never ever touched me and i think i turned out pretty well. not perfect. but who is. i def would never consider saying anything like that and i never was slapped or hit. but that xbox would be sould faster then he could say “thats bullshit thats bullshit” hell i wouldnt even sell it. i would rip it out and light it on fire with my wifes hairspray… that way he sees that i didnt even get anymoney out of it. i just did it for fun. lil punk as bitch.

I would break the xbox, then tell him if he ever talked to me like that again I would beat him till he begged to be sent to his room. Then I would eat a knife just to demonstrate the severity of what I just said.

ebay ftw!

I would have no problem hitting my kids as punishment, I was beat if I got snappy at all and I have a greater respect for my mom, (dad deceased) and dad because of it. I think actions speak louder than words and this is an example the kid needs hit plain and simple