Kitty kitty Cat

To be honest, I am really confused after watching this video… Was it an act or real? If the former, I find it sad…

Regardless, I did laugh, but feel awkward inside… The cameraman is a prick, regardless of legitimacy.


um…wow…i hope she was paid a loootttt of money to do that lol

haha, probably wasn’t paid much if any. and it’s probably and act. There’s no way they’d set up a camera if it was real.

lmao im still laffing

I felt really awkward after watching that the first time… I volunteer a lot of time to work with autistic kids, and I guess it hit that spot. Those kids are really special though… if you guys haven’t done so in the past, I HIGHLY recommend doing so. You can go through a lot of shit the day before, but after working with the kids for a day, you really feel refreshed, and fulfilled from their outlook in life. Their attitude, and vibe that they radiate is really something. They’re always so happy, and it really hits home.

I hope to see them again this winter break…

shes autistic?? i feel bad now that i was laffing

I’m no expert, but if that’s real, she would probably fall under that category…

You shouldn’t feel too bad though, because that’s most probably fake… (Cat/dog food does NOT taste good, trust me on this one :wink: )… I added this video for laughs, but felt bad afterwards… sortof like a bad taste in your mouth, and just lingers…

O well, 5 more hours left… the night is young!

BTW. Apple/orange/pineapple/kiwi juice, mixed together is an awesome booster in your energy. Homebrew Redbull ftw!

lol so uve eaten cat/dog food???

peach juice is yummy mmmmm hehe

ok first i couldent watch the whole thing… thats just retarded or she is… no wonder she so big… ok thats nasty all i have to say…ughh…


To intervene, here’s a video from the FUNNIEST guy on youtube.

/note the tiger pee-pee… lmao

Enjoy! (Check out the other videos by thewinekone… funniest guy on the 'tube.


lol wat the hell

its a fake vid with tuna im guessin

yeh cause the can was already opened… i dont think somone would actually eat thats hit altho it wont kill you just nasty… they might have swaped it lol and looks like tuna to me… altho there is cat food in cans that have tuna or whitfish … i give it to my cats all the time and it smells ****in nasty

lol wen she was pouring it into the bowl it didnt look like tuna…cuz it was all mussshyyyy

So, are we in the mood for a funny, or another disgusting story tonight?

hmmm funnny!