Thought I’d start with a little mummy cat
Tried to stick the roll on her head
“Fuck that noise bitch”
Ahh, got it
Don’t mind me, on my way to the moon
Ah, damn flash
“Fuck you chump, whats with the shit on my head tonight?”
Kittah graduates from level one of shit on cat.jpg
What’s next?
I’ve got no fruit, so helmets are out. :mamoru:
Weaksauce first attempt at a helmet. Went nextdoor and asked the neighbor for some fruit… after a little :squint: I got the :ugh2: Too bad it was only a lemon.
relativexistance: i gotta start growing mushies again man
SublimeBigJ: ya
SublimeBigJ: yo this dudes gf left him with her cat
SublimeBigJ: so he started fucking with it
SublimeBigJ: and he’s postin pics lol
relativexistance: what
relativexistance: i dont want to look at some dude doing shit with a cat thats sick man
relativexistance: your fuckedd up
SublimeBigJ: naw dude cats suck
relativexistance: haha
relativexistance: like she broke up with him and stuck the cat on him
relativexistance: id shave the fucker
SublimeBigJ: hahahhahahaha
relativexistance: and paint purty pictures on it
SublimeBigJ: no hes watchin it while shes in china
SublimeBigJ: hahaha
relativexistance: cats are fucking evil anyways man
SublimeBigJ: i know
relativexistance: they hate us but they know they gotta stick around
SublimeBigJ: fucking satan in feline form
SublimeBigJ: hahah
relativexistance: ya really