Kobe's fine...

$100,000k for calling someone a fag?

I’d be broke forever


I guess he should be held to a higher standard for some reason but still… calling people fags should be totally fine unless they’re actually a fag…

wow, what a fag.

The NBA is a fag for fining him

This I agree with.

stupid. i hate this litigious society.

^ I agree with you on that respect willybeen, it’s horse shit that people don’t have thicker skin, and think they can make a quick buck by suing over everything.

Bing, is it therefore ok to call someone a n***er but only if they’re not black?

It’s not a matter of “he got fined $100,000” it’s a matter of if they’re going to fine him, it needs to hurt, or what’s the point. If you gave a millionaire a $150 ticket, they’d pull out their wallet and laugh as they gave you a pair of $100 bills and said keep the change.

I LOL’d so hard at this here at my desk. People looked at me funny.

Kobe is a gigantic douche so it’s rather funny he was fined.

Not that I think calling someone a fag warrants a 100k fine. If it was anyone else I’d feel bad for them.

my only experience with the word is through hip hop music as a term of affection towards close friends. I’ve never once in my life heard it used in a specifcallly racial way meant with intent to harm. i would suspect that is true of a lot of us… more so the Canadians in the GTA.

So yes, from my perspective fag and ****** are interchangeable.

It’s just words.

*edit… i didnt realize that word was censored on here… Josh, did we do that or is it automatic?

meh, he’s got enough money to not even give a shit anyways. He’s a face of the NBA, so it makes the NBA look bad.

If you went in front of an audience that large and said the word ******, do you think your boss would be happy to find out about it? No, you’d probably get in some mild amount of trouble. 100K is a mild amount of trouble for Kobe.

Before you say that your boss wouldn’t care, let me remind you that from your fashion threads, that it’s pretty clear the people you work with/for are very conscious of “appearances”.

obviously work vs. play is different.

tons of stuff is not appropriate in the workplace but it totally fine with friends…

They can, and they do sue all the time. I think courts need to start saying…“please don’t waste tax payers time or money you fggt. and then through it out of court.”

I agree, I use both terms around friends. I use the “N” word as a demoralizing piece of shit type word. Similar to asshole but it has a more pungent punch to it. You don’t have to be gay to be a fag and you don’t have to be black to be a N***** IMO.

i called someone a faggot yesterday at school because they were holding a ton of pencils and it looked like a bundle of sticks.


haha this is awesome. Kobe doesnt give a fuck. $100,000 isnt shit to him so who cares? stop being fags.

He should of kept going on the ref. That is loose change to him these days.

he should get this fine and sit out a game IMO… it’s just unprofessional for him to do that at his job.

suspended with pay like police officers who over-step :slight_smile:

i guess in the heat of the game or in the heat of the moment (for a cop) you get the benefit of the doubt and rightfully so.

I saw a group of white trash ho’s in a SAAB SUV yelling at some white trash guys at DeltaSonic on Ridge Road calling them n1ggers. It was pretty funny because there were about 100 people between them as they yelled back and forth.
Best I can figure is her husband is a union worker at GM so she got a cheap SAAB. lol

I met a group of girls in a saab suv. they came with you, they left with me.