Kramer goes crazy

Originally Posted by RedrRocket
i think the biggest difference between the word Nigger, & the word cracker has to do with history.

I dont remember a bunch of crackers getting strung up in this country.

Wow, check you history. Whites have been enslaved, brutalized, murdered, etc… in early America. Mostly nationalty based prosicution.

Just because the blacks sold off some of thier own slaves to whites doesn’t mean that white people are evil. Please don’t forget Africa had slaves well before America did, and they trated them just as bad if not in most cases even worse.

Richardsons comments are harmless. His comments are far less harmful than say…a white person walking down Avenue D in Rochester. Now that folks is harmful racism.

He is a stupid comedian that used words that some people don’t like. So.

How about that other dude saying whites need to be elliminated from the earth. That freaking guy is making a life long mission to spread hate and violence.

Oh but we will worry about a stroky comedian who said nigger. Yes Richardson’s agenda is to destroy the black race.