I must agree with a lot of this. Jeg has made some very valid points as well.
that didnt take long :gotme:
i love it.
Come on guys i know some thing said were out of line but its still entertaining and i think this shit is funny
If he gets sued he should retract his apology.
“you can do it your own way, if its done just how I say”
Call a white man a cracker and its ok , call a black man a nigger and its a lawsuit
greedy ppl , they just create their own stereotypes
Originally Posted by RedrRocket
i think the biggest difference between the word Nigger, & the word cracker has to do with history.
I dont remember a bunch of crackers getting strung up in this country.
Wow, check you history. Whites have been enslaved, brutalized, murdered, etc… in early America. Mostly nationalty based prosicution.
Just because the blacks sold off some of thier own slaves to whites doesn’t mean that white people are evil. Please don’t forget Africa had slaves well before America did, and they trated them just as bad if not in most cases even worse.
Richardsons comments are harmless. His comments are far less harmful than say…a white person walking down Avenue D in Rochester. Now that folks is harmful racism.
He is a stupid comedian that used words that some people don’t like. So.
How about that other dude saying whites need to be elliminated from the earth. That freaking guy is making a life long mission to spread hate and violence.
Oh but we will worry about a stroky comedian who said nigger. Yes Richardson’s agenda is to destroy the black race.
Not by black people. That’s where the difference comes in.
why dont jewish people complain as much? ide say theyve had a much harder time then any one else.
Maybe because we gave them their own country? And they’re not judged on a day to day basis for what they are because they can blend in with the “other” white folk?
I don’t understand why people are mad at minorities for getting “special” privileges when by simply being white you’re afforded more opportunities and advantages than any “daughter of a son that fought in a war and happened to be black” scholarship can give somebody. Possibly it’s because the people in this thread lack the vision to see that the rest of the world isn’t full of people that get treated better just because they’re part of a certain group. This creates the inequality and the hopelessness that helps make many young minorities turn to being delinquent and unproductive.
So heaven forbid a black person gets offended when somebody calls them a nigger. I think they have every right, but only if they were not the ones that heckled that douche bag on stage.
I don’t expect anybody here to actually understand their side, because generally the people here are white and not part of a minority and the worst they have gone through is being called a “cracker.”
the black people in that audience that werent heckling have every right to be upset, i agree with you on that. but how does a white person get more opportunities then anyone else? and what country did we give the jews?
No, by thier own race. But yet they do not play the cry baby victim today…hmm funny thing.
They hold no ill feeling for their masters and slave trader brotheren in Africa…hmm funny thing.
Oh I fully understand. Don’t forget I was one of the ONLY white kids on a bus full of Indians. I was beat up, spit at, slapped around, had my stuff throw out windows…why? Because I am white. I know full damn well what prejudice does to people, and how it effects them. I am so sick of hearing these black people who have more opportunities these days than any other race say how they are being kept down. As my BLACK friend Tyler put it " I am sick of hearing all these black guys bitching about how the white man keeps them down and is oppressing them…as they sit on the corner smoking weed instead of getting a job and working. They just sit there and bitch about how they’ve been treated and how everybody calls them lazy niggers, but do nothing to change it." It is the people who bitch about the racism that have never really had anything directed towards them that are the problem. Then they sue because they “got their feelings hurt”. well boo fucking hoo. That is life. Life does not cater to you because you feel sad or got your feelings hurt. Brush that shit off and get on with it, don’t be a pussy and blow it out of the water like a little girl that stubbed her toe.
Oh and BTW, White males around the 20-30 yr old range are rapidly becoming the minority in the country…does that mean we will get special privileges and be picked for jobs because of our skin color, or get free college because we are white and there are more black/Hispanics? no. It means that there are less of us. So what. Deal with it. That’s life.
AMEN brother
I don’t get why you’re hung up on ancient shit.
I’m part Irish, yet I’m not pissed about ‘Irish Need Not Apply’ signs. Kind of like there is no need for a black person to be pissed about people in Africa abusing their family 13 generations ago for something that has no direct bearing over them whatsoever.
:word: My family came here from Austria and had to make a living just like everyone else. You think they were not discriminated against?? It’s ridiculous how some people thing…that just because their great great great grandfather was a slave they themselves are in some position to receive payment for it. F that.
I also think the whole “African American” thing is bullshit. if you are black then you are black. not African. You are an AMERICAN! Be proud of it. There is nothing wrong with being proud of your heritage but first and foremost you are American. And unless you personally came from Africa and have duel citizenship, then you are NOT an African-American, You are just a black American of African decent. I am not an Austrian American, I’m a white American of Austrian decent. political correctness can kiss my ass.
I don’t see how calling themselves African Americans affects anybody else. They will call themselves what they want, just like everybody else is given the right to.
ok i have a question Whats the PC word for a black person that doesnt live in america? lets say canada. It cant be african american cuz they arent Americans. Are they african canadians? FUCK NO!!! or do we say since its NORTH AMERICA they are african americans still?
i dont know if ive ever talked to an african-european person before…
I can’t see how the term African American bothers anyone.
If you wanted to call yourself Austrian American you could. You have the right, just like they do.