Kramer goes crazy

The entire mind set of distinguishing themselves as such is laughable in other countries. I have worked with foreigners before and talked to them about political issues and they all say that the amount of political correctness the US uses is obscene, and I agree. All you are doing is sugar coating the real world so it is easier to accept, and in turn turning everybody into weaklings and further segregating the races. Yes people will say what they want, and have every right to, but that does not make them correct. Also, the same people who complain about not having racial equality are the same ones trying to stand out by giving themselves special names. Until we can view Americans as just plain and simple Americans, and not give them special sub cultural names that precede “American”, there will never be equality among the various races. If you are an American citizen…then that’s what you are, an American. Be proud of it and wear it as a badge of honor that you can be a part of this great country.

Fucking Drink to that


I don’t see the method which somebody arrives at a name for themselves can be explicitly defined as “correct” or “incorrect.”

And actually, people in other countries are just scared that our president is going to find oil in their country and roll in the tanks.

because at the same time that everyone wants to accept eachother as equals their choosing to be called names which divide us.

Thank you. someone can understand it without throwing in some anti bush bullshit.

I bring up being Polish and German semi-frequently. I don’t think heritage is anything to be ashamed of.

There is nothing wrong with being proud of your heritage. you should be proud of who you are and where you come from. But don’t put your heritage in front of you as a label. Until you can get rid of the labels there will never be equality among races. i can’t stress this enough. We don’t have to be African American, German American, Irish American…we are all Americans! that should be good enough.

Again, JEG is making some very strong points here. I find it hardly acceptable to allow things from over a hundred years ago still supposedly keep people down. Responsibility is a word that few people really embrace these days.

its not but whens the last time you flipped shit on someone cause they didnt call you a polish american or a german american? or whens the last time you even asked someone to call you that? now if they called you a pollak or a kraut…thats something to be offended by.

No, it shouldn’t. This is America. It should be a melting pot, but not a melted pot. Americans embrace other cultures about as well as Michael Richards handled being heckled by some black folk.

Again, I don’t think you quite grasp the concept of what I am talking about. I am not saying there is anything wrong at all with cultural diversity, it is what makes this country great. But the labeling has to stop. Until you get rid of the labels that people bestow upon each other, you will always have prejudice. Why is it that people feel the need to proclaim that they are (for example) African American, German American etc. Why can we not unite and just be Americans and celebrate the fact that we are a melting pot, and that is what draws us closer. Because the majority of our ancestors came here for the same purpose, to have a better life and get away from all the hatred and social labeling that they had in their countries. It only further segregates the masses. you cant say we are all going to be equal, and then start grouping people and separating them.


I recently talked to someone who indeed rode YOUR bus. He infact did affirm that there were NO “indians” on your bus. :gotme:

Oh really? and who was this? because I live 1 mile from the rez, and I assure you, I did ride the indian bus. I switched buses after a while. my mom had to pick me up from school everyday so I wouldn’t have to ride with them. This was when I was a kid. When i got older they had their own bus.

Look, I wish we could all “grasp your concept” but the reality is that this is America, and if somebody wants to call themself The Sultry Princess of New York they’re perfectly capable of doing so. Regardless of if it creates a social rift or not. Just because you want to label them Americans and make them appear white on paper doesn’t mean that the social problems facing minorities are going to change for them in their day to day lives.

I understand completely what you mean. We just obviously have differing views on the situation.

I just refer to them as people like anyone else. I prefer not to even put a prefix on it. Ill call someone by name if i can. If not its hey you. Not hey blackie or anything of that nature. I work with a dozen black guys in the kitchen and they are all awesome, and they would rather me refer to them as black rather than african american or any other PC garbage.

:word: I live in a small town, so I have never really known many black people. I am currently going to GCC and some of the coolest people up there that I know are black…and from NYC lol. My one buddy Blake is probably one of the most well spoken people I know. I’m gonna take him out here and teach how how to shoot, we were talking about hunting and stuff and hes never shot a gun before. So I’m gonna take him trap shooting. It’s such a great sport.

So stop calling african-americans “niggers.” I hear this term out of your mouth a lot.