Kramer goes crazy

I have never ever in my life heard a funny heckler. They’re usually drunk obnoxious attention whores. I love it when quick thinking comedians pwn them. They’re like the lowest of the low. They’re the guys that douche bags call douche bags.

I was referring to when people say “nigger” means piece of shit, loser, drug dealer, welfare monger, thief, ext ext.


also x2

he makes me :lol:

hahah funny shit, he flipped out big time

They change it all the time. Don’t get me wrong, I have black friends that I like a lot, they are cool as hell, but I can’t stand how it is ok for them to call each other nigga, but if someone says Nigger, then its racial. Also, they can say cracka and honkie and all this other bs and it’s ok. Everybody but whites have this double standard in their favor as far as racial slur acceptance goes. I hear I mean, what’s the difference? They change words like “player” into “playa” and so forth, and it means the same thing, yet the “a” and “er” ending have two different meanings in “nigga/nigger”, when in any other instance they mean the same thing. I HATE EBONICS! Ebonics are bastardizing the English language and spreading ignorance and lack of communication skills like the fucking plague. I can’t even understand what some of these people are saying. It’s like trying to talk to a 4 yr the way they pronounce their words (not targeting just blacks, but everybody who speaks like this). I can’t remember off hand about who was saying it, maybe Dave Chippelle (sp), about how white people are so afraid of offending other races that they are almost afraid to talk to anyone or something like that. It was funny…but sad that society has to deal with this shit.

  1. If Chris Rock has said that the entire crowd would have been laughing.

  2. If he had instead just said “Nigga please” no fuss would have been made of it.

  3. When every rap song played on the radio doesn’t contain N*GG# blanked out (ever so unsubtly) then I think it holds a bit more water.

Was it right… I also don’t know without seeing the whole 10 minutes of video. A more professional thing to do would have been to just have the two people removed from the audience… oh wait… then the only reason they would have been removed is because they are black… (that part is speculation)

I saw a guy at Comix Cafe go down hard to the point of being booed off the stage. It isn’t pretty when that happens and I’m not sure you ever really “handle” it well.

That video is definately only what was said by him and not the other people doing the interupting in the crowd. Who knows… the safe bet was not to say it that’s for sure.

Wow, I actually agree with you.

Whatever, I typed and retyped something eloquent but fuck it. Those who want to can shit out poor english and call each other racial slurs born of hate. I’m going to speak as well as I can and refer to people with respect.

Well. They just had the black dudes, that he was yelling at on Today. Being interviewd by Matt Lauer.
Well, their legal attorney feels as if Richards should meet with the men, and hear how “shaken and emotionally distraught” they are from this whole incident. And then they can discuss monetary compensation. If not, they are straight out going to sue.

This is absolute fucking bullshit. Suing a fucking comedian for using the word “nigger”. They can call eachother it ALLLLLL DAY long, but the second a guy with some money and fame does it…they want compensation.

actually… it seems more fitting IMO

“african american” is kind of BS… I remember watching that live 8 shit and they called bob marley an african american… I was just like “wtf?”

he’s neither african nor american :shrug:

i can see the sorce of underlying resentment…
but, the current generations have no idea what the prev. generations went through.
nobody is saying to forget the past…
but you dont get to use it for eternity.

people today are just lazy. it stems from childhood. more often than not, people repeat their parents mistakes. add that to the envirornment they are brought up in, and it will require actual work to build a good person.

one of the wifes friends will only date black guys that are trash. the married kind of trash at that… it drives me insane that she will try and defend her/their actions.
the worst part is her ‘friends’ fit a lot of the sterotypes…

i base my view of a person by how they present themselfs to the world.
the language they use just makes for a clearer picture.

Thats fucking weak.

Richards should counter-sue for being called a Cracker.

I don’t agree at all with what he said…

:rant:BUT the people who want money out of this because it has “hurt” them can die in a fire. Everyone gets insulted at some point and getting money because someone hurt your feelings is the biggest bullshit i’ve ever heard. I saw that laywer on TV today and was more mad about that then what he said, which was disturbing to begin with. At worst, give those people their money back…thats about it. Then again because they want more then that, give them nothing.

I know a lot of comedians that would have dealt with that in a funnier way. I know a lot of people that would have dealt with that better…

Yeah…this entire mind set of having to pay for hurting someone’s feelings is BS! I can’t stand how these ass hole lawyers leech of people like lamprey in order to make a buck. This nations is turning from a once proud country of hard working people who were tough as nails to weak cry babies trying to make a fast dollar and not willing to work for it. This is a MAJOR problem with today’s society, the very thought that if someone hurts your feelings or something than you have to get a douche bag lawyer and sue them for it, instead of just being like “eh, who cares”.

Awaiting Joe’s response to this…

werd… your allowed the freedom of speach… unless it’s not PC :wtf:not quite there yet, but I bet we’ll see it in our lifetimes

As long as they can prove that there is at least one racist in this country they can continue to get handouts and special treatment.
Its the perfect plan, get a celebrity in the news for being racist.
If they keep racism on the front page all is good for them.
Its a self fulfilling prophecy.

I blame the lawyers who convince people that they deserve money for what should really just be chalked up to “such is life.” If I sued someone for every time I was offended, shit, haha this place would probably be Actually I’m not offended easily, but a lot of people’s posts on here definitely cause pain and anguish. :stuck_out_tongue: Then again, if I got sued for every time I offended someone I’d be too broke to have a computer and be online.

I’m definitely going to be reading that shortly. Looks interesting and written by someone who has a clue. Reminds me of this one woman I know who raised her kids with the ideology that you should never have to do something that you’re not comfortable with, that you should never be afraid to stand up and say “No, I won’t do that. I am not comfortable.” Where I come from doing things that you’re not comfortable with is called “growing.” She meant well and intended it to sort of instill the confidence to resist peer pressure, but whoops it ended up teaching them that it’s OK to not try new things.