I was not aware of said situation.
Is mr jellies encountering issues with his Polaris sports utility all terrain vehicle, or the electronically controlled 4 wheel drive components on his Ford F150 extended cab pick up truck?
I was not aware of said situation.
Is mr jellies encountering issues with his Polaris sports utility all terrain vehicle, or the electronically controlled 4 wheel drive components on his Ford F150 extended cab pick up truck?
There’s a(n) thread (app) for that.
His pride and joy Ford pickup truck of course.
My research yielded the following.
FORD : Fix Or Repair Daily.
Looks like what Pee-Jay-Bee needs to do is perform daily maintenance on the vehicle to utilize all the features on the truck; the four wheel drive system for example.
While I do know everything, I can not completely troubleshoot the issues with his truck without seeing it… I am not physic. Likewise, I can not repair the vehicle without having access to it physically… I am not David Blaine.
You are useless then my friend
I appreciate your opinions… as not nice as they may come across as.
I am leaving my place of employment soon. I will continue this tomorrow promptly at 9:00 AM eastern standard time.
Why is my car slow ?
Because lt1.
I’m sorry , is your car running ? No ya say ? Ok then s.t.f.u cupcake
Why can you not shotgun a beer…
I wonder the same thing about mine.
because 60lbs
Copy Rick’s motor, part for part. Add nitrous. 8 second car!
5 star thread
I’m going to kill the thread right now.
Dear KK,
Why do people still believe in “god”?
can you clear up the subject of the way women think?
Because someone filled the quarter panels with quickcrete, and the tires with lead shot when you wernt looking.
because i enjoy my quality beers. BudLight doesn’t fall under the category of “quality” in my book. I enjoy a good beer like a fat man does a good steak. Not only is the beer substandard, playing games with it is not something I partake in frequently, so I am not a seasoned “chug-a-lug” beer drinker. When the 12 ounces of piss beer and carbonation entered my upper intestine my girly body couldn’t keep up with the rapid expansion, therefor evacuated the inferior substance faster than it went down.
Because they are gullible. Simply put, if I told someone I just had sex with Miley Cyrus (and she liked it) most wouldn’t believe me. Then if I wrote it on a tablet, a stone wall in a cave, had someone duplicate my writings and put it in a book, then I or someone else that believe me posted it on facebook and twitter, more and more would buy into it and believe it was true. Is that not what happened with “god” and religious beliefs?
I would love to comment more on this, but Tom Cruise and I are off to lunch, then we have a meeting with Issac Hayes at 3:00 so I must make haste.
Women think with their vagina’s 25% of the time, 50% of their time they think they are never wrong, 20% of the time they forget what happened yesterday either with something thy said or heard, and 5% of the time they are sensible… either sleeping or favoring men and/or hot women orally.
Recent studies have shown that over time the more effort women put towards thinking on their own, sandwich output decreases. This is not a good thing, many men will go hungry and will not have sufficient energy to continue to work hard and run the household. This lack of sandwich production also seems to have a correlation to laundry duties. More and more men seem to have noticed an increase in long term skidmarks due to tighty whities not being bleached in a timely manor. Please reference the recent stock prices reaching an all time high for Fruit of the Loom. Michael Jordan and I will discuss this matter after my meeting at 3:00.