KrazyKid knows all.

My job is done here, for a little while:


I am done with this shit. KK is going to take the advice. I will only troll this place for the next 2 months, wont post a fucking thing, wont waste my time or yours, wont chime in, wont say shit until I catch up on my work to prove what the fuck I am talking about isn’t smoke up your ass. Dont take this as a win either. Is me proving that I am the bigger man, shutting my mouth, cooling my jets, focusing on what really matters to me right now (getting work in and out of the shop) and letting you kids play with your dingies all you want on here without me putting my 2 cents in.

I will only answer PM’s if someone needs something. Other than that, SEE YA IN NOVEMBER BITCHES.

had enough


self semi ban 1

LOCK 1, 2, 3 (or continue shit talking all you want. )

permaban 1

:rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl <3

Dear Krazy Kid,

Hello. I am a longtime forum member, relatively old man, generalized lurker, etc. In fact, I kind of see this place as a magical land of make believe, and you and the other posters are all just figments of my imagination. For example, Wayne is a gentrified version of Cooter Davenport. Alpine is one of the kids from “Less Than Zero.” (Look it up, kids). Boost Creep is Paul Walker from that sled dog movie. You get the idea.

So you, Mr. Kid, used to be KKKustom if I recall correctly. So I always assumed you were in the Klan. Am I right?



Quoting this, I doubt he wont post for 2 months

You starting a betting pool?

LOL’d hard at the Cooter Daventport reference. +rep

Thats a solid idea. Two months without rants? Ha, I highly doubt it.

he will be writing the next chapter of his novel, then 2 months from now he will post that chapter on shift 518 using maybe different threads, ultimately annoying atleast 92% of shift, while wasting many gigabytes of bandwidth in the process.

i give that a 1

Mike I love you bro, but you love to speak your mind and I feel as though some of your rants on shift are self theraputic :lol

I think you might kill someone if you don’t post :rofl

We gotta get together sometime

You’re not too different lol.

I think Shady is different though, he likes to just summarize a multi-page thread into a single lengthy post :rofl

  • rep to both of you.

The funny thing is though is that anyone who would bother to read his thesis, would most likely have read the entire thread already. It’s not like someone will see a 3-5 page thread (40 posts/page) and think “Oh, let me only read Shady’s posts as it will be most relevant to the topic on hand.” Shit, most just skip over his posts lol. Lettuce be cereal, both Mike and Shady’s posts are similar in length to “The Art of War.”


I don’t let your guys shit get to me though. Pretty much anyone who busts my nuts on here these days I get along great with in person, I don’t take any of your guys ball busting personally.