L3st w3 forg3t

Sorry if this seems lame guys, but seriously Nov. 11 is probably one of the most important days in all of our lives, it is actually a day when we are able to celebrate the sacrifice of thousands of men to be able to live in a free society to this day. We are lucky enough to be able to see WWII vetrans walking around to this day, but by the time we have children that are the same age as we there will probably not be a single living soul from that time. Just take a minute of your time today and pray for what you are thankful for because in my mind no one date is as important as Nov. 11.

Very true. It’s very hard, for me at least, to put myself in their shoes. I can’t imagine putting my life on the line like that and knowing that so many of your peers have been killed.

WWII was unlike the wars we know of today. The “War in Iraq” is devastating for those who have had family members die, but it just doesn’t have the impact WWII had. If things had worked out differently who knows if we would be here today.

Take a minute today.

Exactly, I had a lot of family fight in both WWI & WWII, thankfully they all came home but if it weren’t for their sacrifice and the millions of others we probably would not have the lives that we do.

Actually, it’s the furthest thing from lame. Those people gave their lives so we can live in freedom. I always make a point to go to a Remembrance Day ceremony every year. If you get the day off today, is a half an hour or so really going to hurt that bad? Not at all.

My grandfather fought in WWII and I’m so thankful he made it. I know I’ll be wearing a poppy today.

So true I rarely give money to charities but every time I see a poppy box I have to leave something. I think there is a no more noble way to die than in the defence of freedom. Thanks for posting

I was out at lunch today and a couple of veterans walked in. I said hello and spoke with them for a few minutes while we waited for a table. Eventually we got tired of waiting and I asked them if they would like to join myself and my friend for lunch in the lounge, my treat. (this was at Red Robin, so it’s essentially a child-free seating area).

So for the next two hours we sat and talked with these three great men. All had served overseas, all had lost friends and each of them had some amazing stories about their experiences. They were happy to talk to us about their war time experiences, but we ended up just talking about regular everyday stuff. Cars, family, government (hehe, they weren’t too fond of any of the parties). In the end it was more than worth the $100 tab to spend a few hours talking to these guys.

Anyhow, sorry for rambling. I just thought it was a little different experience for Remembrance Day.


P.S. We did observe a minute of silence before eating.

thats kewl man!! Good for you!!

Thanks for this thread… I agree, Nov. 11 is a time to be greatful…i myself treat Nov. 11 with great respect… and i agree that we should have (as Nov. 11 was 2 days ago) all taken a moment to remember thoes who really laid down EVERYTHING for us to be free.

On a side note… Yesterday i seen this really sweet 05’ Black Toyota Celica with a vet plate on the back… i was like… :frustrated wtf!? Nice car!!! haha Grandpa fled the home for a spin in the Celica again! haha