Labor Day Carbeque

Yes. My contribution to the party. Hope she liked em?

joey, tell me i wont put u on a fucking roof!!!

Thanks hoss she loved em

how did they like the anaconda sized ruts in the lawn?

HAHHHHHHAHAHAH i completely forgot about this, we were on the deck and sully comes walking up with a hanging plant and im like “where the hell did you get that??” and he said “2 doors down” :lmao :lmao :lmao

u were hungry huh? u know, there were trees all around.

My dad asked where the little ruts came from so I told him from a little dirt bike. He wasnt as amused as I was.

telling us this as he fills in ruts

well i can surely tell u one thing, i did not contribute.

i know i went on an expedition on the 50 and found various deciduous horticulture on which to feast.

I went out and fixed some of the ruts

that grass was fucked anyways

that shit was fucked since jumpstreet!

I got em while on a nice leisurely ride on the fiddy :lol

Nope that was me ya drunk fuck :lol

Lmao priceless. I had no clue where they came from. She asked if some one at my party brought them

Just dont tell the neighbors a few blocks away :rofl

Lmao thats great!

i wish i actually knew people there. when we all got there around like 1, i knew about 90% of people, then as time went on, i knew less and less.
Ewa Sonnet

must investigate further

Not to self. do not type Eva Sonnet in google images @ work.