Labor Day Carbeque

bahaha yeah he would have gotten a kick out of that

yeah a little after you left we started fucking with the golfers

oh and I think I broke some ribs and I fuckedddd up my knee on the 50…damnit

I slept till a little after 5 when I got home lol

ive got 7 or 8 spots where blood was drawn last night from da fiddy

fucking putz

My whole body hurts…

My right sock is covered in blood.

What did the idiot cops want when they came over?

HAHA, what an epic night! Esp when Sean fell asleep at the bar and couldnt even stand up. :rofl
I don’t like that elephant ball grabbin shit either. Joey can vouch for that :haha

o god. And how could you forget the awesome trip we took to Price Chopper. F’n murdogg was walking around the damn store drinkin beer :rofl We bought pre-cut pepperoni/cheese and fried chicken! :lol

Haha “Do you guys know the kid drinking beer?”

“Nope, never saw him before”

blah blah

“there’s a goddamn SUPERCENTER in there”

That was a rough drop too

and u tried to give me money fag

shit hurt like a mofo :haha

:rofl:rofl I wish I saw that!!

sounds epic :rofl

k20, the roof still has ur name on it!

Not happening… The fifty still has YOUR NAME ON IT

:lol:lol:lol:lol u guys are NUTS! :ahh

My mom asked me if i bought hanging plants cause she found some on the deck and doesnt know where they came from. So pete did you bring plants to my house?