Labor Day Weekend Plans?

Im demo’ing half a house… VIA CHAINSAW !!! YEAAAA!!! Ill post pics by Monday… “fo sho”

Leaving soon for the Lime Rock Park vintage races. Still doesn’t beat destroying half a house with a chainsaw. Why only half?

that’s all they want torn down, prob gonna live in the other half :dunno

Headed to the track tomorrow morning for the Saratoga beer stein giveaway, hopefully weather holds. Then heading to Old Forge via ridiculous scenic route for cruising, pizza, beer and fireworks on the lake.

No golden era race cars or chainsaws are involved unfortunately.

This weekend revolves around my kids first birthday and all the planning and setting up for a party and such.

Watching the rain and Indiana Jones marathon

I went to a friends house in VT for the day

My hands are all cramped from ripping shit up. At it again today.

demolition is always fun!

Game of thrones it looks like for me…woke up early for plans today which got cancelled …Meh :frowning:

Who are you?


Just some guy…

You’re either an existing member or just a dumpy person

I’m working.

How so judge judy?

And who are you since we’re asking

Asking we’re since you are who and

His name is Kevin Bacon. He’s a famous actor. Used to live around and flash his money in people’s faces. He owns a bugatti. He can also dance his balls off. Very clear in his hit movie footloose.

That explains it.

You just suck… That’s all