Lacrosse Players - Register to play!!

Well, I am sure that Joe has kept most everyone that is interested in playing updated through PM’s and the original thread. I have had a couple of contacts from the flyers from people who are also interested in playing. What I am trying to do so as that we have a good handle on who is in or not, is get everyone to fill out a 2 minute registration form. Not only does it give us another way to get in contact with you, it also gives us an emergency contact just incase someone gets railroaded.

I am sure that Sahlens will come up with their own registration, so i am just calling this a pre-register. So if you are interested in playing, and or have a friend(s) that want to play, fill it out and let us know!

PS: those guys that have played for the summer leagues… I personally played for the knights, and when i was 18 they disallowed us to play anylonger. I know that if someone had called me and said we have an adult league forming right now, I would have jumped in immediatly. If you know anyone that is incharge of the rosters from last years summer leagues, or anyone to get a hold of regarding contact info PLEASE PLEASE shoot me and e-mail and help us to get more players. More players = more fun so whatever you can do to help is AWSOME!

The pre-registration is located at[color=Black][size=2]
just click the register tab. I have been working to get the site functional, and will have the rest of it done as soon as i find more time.

TIA Mike

:tup: mike, nice work. great idea.

i am still waiting for money from 3 or 4 people who said they would send it from this forum. so if you see this, get on it.

i am going to meet with sahlens to settle what might be their side of the paperwork. hurry up and sign up and get your money in!


Once you talk to the guy at Sahlens, let him know to give the website out to potential players. I will be sure to forward all registrations on to you so you know who to expect $$ from. Do you have a paypal acct. that I can give to people. I have recieved a couple phone calls, and told them that i would get back to them re payment.

Is sahlens covering us on their insurance??

not sure on the insurance thats why i have to talk to him. there has to be something to sign whether it be limited coverage for insurance or waiver of liability.

paypal account will be PM’ed to you later today when i have more time.


Ok, I have about 6 registered players not including Joe or Myself… Any more out there??

booo… fill out the form!! I still only have 6 people, and i know that more were interested.

there will be 2 more this weekend or next week, and then i know others from this forum havent registered yet. i will send out PMs tommorow to every single person in the previous thread to ask for a immediate reply whether or not they intend on playing.

we need 15 people or it is more money. i know we can get to this, we are so close.


Well, i have 10 people registered for this. We just got a deal with Dicks, and the buffalo lacrosse academy, and the High School Coaches will be talking with me next week regarding the seniors from last year, and this year that are 18+. I have had quite a few contacts, now it is just time to get our shit together. I plan to meet Joe next week sometime to give him $40, and i really hope that everyone else will too. I assume that we will only be playing indoor for a couple month, then it will be outdoor.

As far as outdoor goes… well it is being organized by Joe and myself, and it should be a great time with alot of different players ranging from D1 to the average joe.


so please $40 isn’t too bad. Untill summer I am poor and not a person according to newman, and even i will cough up $40 if it means i get to play for 4 weeks!

id be interested if not all the way out in buffalo

We could play outdoor now

My brother is looking to play. Do you have a phone number he could call? He’s not on this forum.

I am registered and ready to play goddamnit


haha i’d deff sign up… if it wasnt out in buffalo and if i wasnt currently in season
good idea tho

Damn it i wish i live in Buffalo… i would be so on this with like 4 friends!!