Lady buys a Sofa set and finds this..

This is old news btw, it’s a few days old.


oh man someone dun fuckt up

nice sofa set tho

lol yea someones in trouble

But its made from Cowhide not something else right?! Proof that many cultures are racist against others.

Thats nucking futs, sure to be an internet classic.

haha it was some store in scarborough too. I wanna go there and ask them if they have any other types of sofas in nigger brown as well.

lol made in China! dang nice sofa though, crazy asians making good stuff just gotta watch their labelling.

I have a feeling bing might know the company.

You said the N-word! Im calling the Star tomorrow!

I can see the head line now “All 240SX owners are racist!”

Thats Classic

LAWL hahaha

Is it just me or are her eyebrows on crooked?

sigh… fyi there are many explainations for this… including direct translations…

but in latin and some other languages… black = negri or negro or watever… so its only taken offence to the ppl that are feeling threatened

OR the person jsut wanted to be on the news paper and wanted some money…

and i already made fun of this few days ago lol… mark il show u my pic…

click link below Racism alert click with descretion

True but theres no language that the word “nigger” is used to describe a color … + all those languages are for the color black not…brown. That word is racist but from another country… oh well. Cracker white should be the next one ;)…this is gettin to racist.

Moore said she’s not sure she wants the sofa set in her home.

“Every time I sit on it, I’ll think of that,” she said.

Oh my god, what is wrong with people? Everyone is so damn sensitive. I know if that was delivered to my house with that label on, I would have a good laugh, and probably tell all my friends how funny it was. Boo hoo, the evil couch used a bad word, now I can never sit on it ever again. Go fuck yourself lady. I am half black by the way.


Yeah, exactly, to be honest, i’d laugh too. I mean, what’s the point of being so sensitive? I think she just wants to be on TV or something, or get that sofa for free. haha.

If i got something that said chinky yelllow or cracker white, i’d show it to all my friends right away and have a good laugh.

thats to funny.

she doesnt want the couch in her house.

Has she listened to ANY hiphop? talk about double standards. Would she react that way if she heard her kids listening to that g-unit crap or any of the other rappers?

she’s a straight up attention whore.

An ugly one at that…

Anyone have the number for Nissan in Japan?

Lmfao Gonad!!! Haha Omg Hilarious!!!

This is actually pretty typical.

Most cultures use the same word to describe black (colour) and blacks.

Honestly, some poor dude in China googled “black person - english” and went with the most common result.

“Racism” as they’re wont to call it exists in every culture. For crying out loud ask any Polish kid about how they learned about African culture through Muzynek Bambo … in school. Even in Canadian Polish schools.

In many cultures, the correct term for a black dude is the same as the insult. In fact, calling someone “black dude” is often an insult.

Don’t think people give too much power to a word? She won’t sit on her couch.

Hey, how about you go and buy a couch that isn’t some cheap $75 Chinese beauty you found at some scuzzy outlet store in Scarborough?

It’s not like it came from Ethan Allen.

Anyone know how to say black guy in Swedish? Betcha Ikea sells something with the same name!