lady gaga has a dick

We need new ones

ur face was priceless LOL, benny was like “wat?” :rofl


I was sitting there during our convo about a certain person posting pics, and was like :ponder, Im sending a pic to nicole LMAO:haha

post them or STFU


she says that u rep her

i post pics of an asian chick and u neg me


Because our bewbz are better than chicks with dicks.


  • 1 idk whats up with this chick w/ dick fetish but u should be negged on every post containing one

Tricia…show Boobs NOW

Asian chicks > White chicks

You have to post really hot Asians, not just okay looking girls that have questionable features.


We’re not friends anymore.

blonde american girls > Asians.

Drew, we’re not friends anymore either. :lol

we were friends???

lol jk

No you’re right, we were never friends. We were casual acquaintances through my ex boyfriend, so you’re my ex casual acquaintance at this point. :lol

Filipino Girls>Japanese Girls>brunette white girls>Almost any foreign girl>dumb blonds

IMO obivously

Wait so we were friends because I said you have nice bewbs? I should complement more girls on their bewbs :lol :tongue

I’m supposed to go to the Philippines to visit my uncle next summer. Ha. Take that. :tongue