lady gaga has a dick

OMG Take me with you! I want to go to the beach there soo bad!

He was telling me there are no real windows or anything in any of the houses, and half the people there don’t even have screens. Sorta freaks me out considering how much I hate bugs as it is, and in a tropical climate like that I don’t understand just letting huge banana spiders or something hang out in your living room.

In most places yes, but I would like to go to Boracay.

sexy american brunettes > all

now go fuck urself



if thats the first place your going outside the us and outside a civil area…

never know wat ur gonna run into

better be awake LOL

Erm, he has a real house? I won’t even go camping, do you really think I would stay somewhere like that?

BITCH idk ! :lol j/k

yah well either way if ur stayin in a nice place thats cool

good luck anyways LOL

I don’t know to be scared or think you’re just fucking crazy right now…

idk its whatever lol i just couldnt imagine u surviving out there, but who knows
i never been there so i wouldnt know, only imagine :smiley:

then again u might love it , im goin back to india in jan most likely, for like 2 months ;D

I like warm weather and beaches, I do not like bugs.
Thankfully, there are not typically too many bugs on beaches.
I plan to retreat to the house when I’ve had enough of the few monsters I expect to call it home.

redheads > brunettes > blondes and asians arent even on my list.

Quoted a proof of you being a pole smoker

+1 wtf Paul.

How does making a list of girls I prefer make me gay

And I just dont like asians.

wtf what?

You said that asians and blondes aren’t even on the list… that makes you gay.

No, I didnt mean it that way. I didnt mean blondes and asians. I just meant asians.

There was a > in front of blondes.

Just asians arent on my list.


I am not sure why but I have a thing for outspoken long island/jersey girls. Who btw almost all are brunette. I think I only see like 1 blonde per 100 brunettes whenever I am there…

hahahah idk guys american girls are hot ya but u be surprised out in odd countries like hungary or spain or india :ninja

So you have a thing for irritating Italian women with high pitched annoying voices and Jersey/LI accents?

now i must be a little old or somthing because i have no fucking idea who this he/she is… but all i gotta say about the weenie thing is…

thats a perfect sinario for FML…

“i was on stage getting the crowd worked up i got off the saw horse and as i started to pull my skirt down my cock flew out. fml” LOL