another Dakota R/T^
i had to be careful not to drool on this one. had a Vortech blower and Tremec 6-speed conversion
mmmmmm R/T on boost…^
he had his slicks in the bed and was ready to go^
i was somewhat suprised when they called my name to award the 3rd Place in the 1996-2005 Modded Truck class. There were a lot of good trucks there. The blue Dakota with the supercahrger got 2nd and some GAAAAAYYYY pink truck with wire wheels and hydrolics got 1st (WTF???). i shouldnt complain, i was really flattered that i even got 3rd.
me by the truck taking a pic with my eyes closed and looking stupid haha^
overall it ahd a great time, even though it was a little wet and the crowd was a bit smaller than usual. i can’t wait untill next year though.