Edmonton Z Car Club - June 5th - Annual Show n' Shine

Hey guys,

I just wanted to start another discussion topic regarding the upcoming EZCC car show. Aaron and Andy, as well as myself and members of the EZCC car show committee have been taking strides to make the car show more inclusive this year. In the past it has catered mainly to Z cars, and the judging criteria mainly served to reward stockness or OEM. Due to some feed back from last year’s show, as well as the strong increase in the number of non-Zs wanting to participate it was time to adapt to change.

What the above group of us came up with is a new approach. We came up with a total of 8 car categories, whereas before there were only 5.

They are:

  • 240Z/260Z/280Z
  • 280ZX
  • 300ZX (Z31)
  • 300ZX (Z32)
  • 350Z & G35 coupe
  • Datsun Non-Z (Pre '83, includes 510s, etc.)
  • Nissan RWD Non-Z (240SX, 180SX & Skyline, etc.)
  • Nissan FWD Non-Z (Sentra/200SX/NX2000/Spec-V, etc.)

We also broke things into two CLASSES.

  • Daily Driver (aka stock or near stock)
  • Street Modified.

The Daily Driver class is based largely on the official rules of the National Z Conventions in the US. This class won’t deviate too much. There are a limited number of mods that are considered ok (exhaust, wheels etc.), but stock or original parts will still be somewhat of an advantage. This doesn’t mean you can’t enter this category if you’ve changed some stuff, but you may just loose a point or two compared to a similar car that still has the original piece in nice condition.

Based on our discussions, Aaron has created the judging criteria for the new Street Modified class.
see link to other thread: http://www.n-e-c-c.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=12

In our initial meeting we came up with a total of 15 groups: basically all 8 car categories above having both Daily Driver and Modified, except for the 240SX (Nissan Non-Z RWD) category. Unless there was enough interest and attendance of basically stock 240SXs, etc. we were assuming that essentially all these cars would be in the modified category. This is a detail that can be changed however.

Some people’s cars may ride the fence on which of the two classes they want to go in (myself included). Here is the rationale. In the Daily Driver class, you don’t open your hood. Meaning nothing you’ve done in the engine bay will help your score. In the DD judging things like the condition of your glass, tires and paint may come under more close scrutiny. Whereas if you’ve done some customizing and mods, etc. paint condition made not be such a key factor in your over score if your car has lots of WOW FACTOR otherwise. If an engine swap or a really clean engine bay or lots of bling is part of your car’s appeal, then you would probably want to go in the modified class.

Because the possibility of 15 trophies is a huge increase (compared to 5 in previous years), and the estimate of how many cars of each type we can expect at the show, I was going to suggest combining a few categories. (trophies cost money, which comes from club sponsors).
These were my suggestions:

  • combine the Street Modified class of 240Z/280Z with 280ZX. But those two categories still get their own daily driver groups.
  • combine the Street Modified class of Z31 with Z32. But those two categories still get their own daily driver groups.
  • all RWD Nissan Non-Z (240SX, 180SX, Skylines etc.) are in Street Modified class. Unless people are going to be entering with essentially stock 240SXs (something Andy, Aaron and myself kinda thought was unlikely), we were going have only one class for these cars.

So, so far that makes 13 groups. Still a lot of judging to do.

But, another new important detail. We will be looking for volunteers from the NECC group to join the judging teams so that each category and class is judged by a “pair” matching up a EZCC member with a NECC member. This should minimize any perceived bias on either side for any of the categories. And the most important aspect of course will be that whatever they do, its done consistently for the entire “group” of cars.

Comments and feedback are welcome. It is our hope that NECC members and all Nissan Enthusiasts in general can find participating in the annual show n’ shine to be FUN!

As well, the EZCC has their monthly meeting tonight (7:30pm, German Cultural Canadian Club - across from 630 CHED on Roper Rd.). We meet in a room at the back of the restaurant area. Please feel free to come by and check us out. We will be finalizing some details about the show as well as discussing some other future events.


so will there be no awards for FWD non z Nissans?

I’ll still be there for sure

Jason do you need any prizes? don’t forget I am in the liquor biz

Well you know that I’ll be going, competing, and helping judge.

Yes there is. Check the list again. There will be a Daily Driver and Street Modified class (2 classes total) for FWD Non-Z Nissans.

BTW there were a couple of people that showed up for the meeting last night but didn’t stay for the whole thing and left in the middle. I had never seen these people before so didn’t know who there were. They didn’t stick around long enough to be introduced. Were these guys NECC members by chance?

I left a flyer on that white 300ZX from AutoZone the other day, so I thought that guy might have been one of them, but I’m not sure…

I will probably be stopping by for a bit but the Porsche concours is also on the day so I will be checking that out.I’m sure it will be a great show.Can’t wait to see all the nice cars

What’s that? (was hoping there weren’t any major conflicts when we picked the date…)

It is a car show as well held at Norden.Cars are judged on how clean they are.They are hoping for about 50 cars plus a few racers.Not to sure if it will be a major conflict though.I guess my saturday is booked :mrgreen:

Now why would you want to go to view a car show of another marque, when you can PARTICIPATE in a show of your own kind? :smiley:

I’m sorry but if you ditch us (EZCC and NECC) just to look at some Porsches, you’re gonna get a lot of razzing, man!! :stuck_out_tongue:

You won’t be getting any “razzing” from me. I’ll be going to view both car shows! :smiley:

I wont be participating in the show even if my car is done and I still have it.I will be there to show support for the necc though.I am also helping out at the Porsche show so I will have to be there as well.

I am really really hoping to have my car out there, but due to my unforeseen injury it doesnt look like that is gonna be possible. I’ll be there to view if my car isnt there however.

So I just got few questions…where is the event and does it cost anything to enter?

NM…I just checked out the Event section and saw all the info there…This thread should be moved over there

Hey guys,

I just wanted to start another discussion topic regarding the upcoming EZCC car show. Aaron and Andy, as well as myself and members of the EZCC car show committee have been taking strides to make the car show more inclusive this year. In the past it has catered mainly to Z cars, and the judging criteria mainly served to reward stockness or OEM. Due to some feed back from last year’s show, as well as the strong increase in the number of non-Zs wanting to participate it was time to adapt to change.

What the above group of us came up with is a new approach. We came up with a total of 8 car categories, whereas before there were only 5.

They are:

  • 240Z/260Z/280Z
  • 280ZX
  • 300ZX (Z31)
  • 300ZX (Z32)
  • 350Z & G35 coupe
  • Datsun Non-Z (Pre '83, includes 510s, etc.)
  • Nissan RWD Non-Z (240SX, 180SX & Skyline, etc.)
  • Nissan FWD Non-Z (Sentra/200SX/NX2000/Spec-V, etc.)

We also broke things into two CLASSES.

  • Daily Driver (aka stock or near stock)
  • Street Modified.

The Daily Driver class is based largely on the official rules of the National Z Conventions in the US. This class won’t deviate too much. There are a limited number of mods that are considered ok (exhaust, wheels etc.), but stock or original parts will still be somewhat of an advantage. This doesn’t mean you can’t enter this category if you’ve changed some stuff, but you may just loose a point or two compared to a similar car that still has the original piece in nice condition.

Based on our discussions, Aaron has created the judging criteria for the new Street Modified class.
see link to other thread: http://www.n-e-c-c.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=12

In our initial meeting we came up with a total of 15 groups: basically all 8 car categories above having both Daily Driver and Modified, except for the 240SX (Nissan Non-Z RWD) category. Unless there was enough interest and attendance of basically stock 240SXs, etc. we were assuming that essentially all these cars would be in the modified category. This is a detail that can be changed however.

Some people’s cars may ride the fence on which of the two classes they want to go in (myself included). Here is the rationale. In the Daily Driver class, you don’t open your hood. Meaning nothing you’ve done in the engine bay will help your score. In the DD judging things like the condition of your glass, tires and paint may come under more close scrutiny. Whereas if you’ve done some customizing and mods, etc. paint condition made not be such a key factor in your over score if your car has lots of WOW FACTOR otherwise. If an engine swap or a really clean engine bay or lots of bling is part of your car’s appeal, then you would probably want to go in the modified class.

Because the possibility of 15 trophies is a huge increase (compared to 5 in previous years), and the estimate of how many cars of each type we can expect at the show, I was going to suggest combining a few categories. (trophies cost money, which comes from club sponsors).
These were my suggestions:

  • combine the Street Modified class of 240Z/280Z with 280ZX. But those two categories still get their own daily driver groups.
  • combine the Street Modified class of Z31 with Z32. But those two categories still get their own daily driver groups.
  • all RWD Nissan Non-Z (240SX, 180SX, Skylines etc.) are in Street Modified class. Unless people are going to be entering with essentially stock 240SXs (something Andy, Aaron and myself kinda thought was unlikely), we were going have only one class for these cars.

So, so far that makes 13 groups. Still a lot of judging to do.

But, another new important detail. We will be looking for volunteers from the NECC group to join the judging teams so that each category and class is judged by a “pair” matching up a EZCC member with a NECC member. This should minimize any perceived bias on either side for any of the categories. And the most important aspect of course will be that whatever they do, its done consistently for the entire “group” of cars.

Comments and feedback are welcome. It is our hope that NECC members and all Nissan Enthusiasts in general can find participating in the annual show n’ shine to be FUN!

As well, the EZCC has their monthly meeting tonight (7:30pm, German Cultural Canadian Club - across from 630 CHED on Roper Rd.). We meet in a room at the back of the restaurant area. Please feel free to come by and check us out. We will be finalizing some details about the show as well as discussing some other future events.


so will there be no awards for FWD non z Nissans?

I’ll still be there for sure

Jason do you need any prizes? don’t forget I am in the liquor biz

Well you know that I’ll be going, competing, and helping judge.

Yes there is. Check the list again. There will be a Daily Driver and Street Modified class (2 classes total) for FWD Non-Z Nissans.

BTW there were a couple of people that showed up for the meeting last night but didn’t stay for the whole thing and left in the middle. I had never seen these people before so didn’t know who there were. They didn’t stick around long enough to be introduced. Were these guys NECC members by chance?

I left a flyer on that white 300ZX from AutoZone the other day, so I thought that guy might have been one of them, but I’m not sure…

I will probably be stopping by for a bit but the Porsche concours is also on the day so I will be checking that out.I’m sure it will be a great show.Can’t wait to see all the nice cars