Edmonton Z Car Club - June 5th - Annual Show n' Shine

What’s that? (was hoping there weren’t any major conflicts when we picked the date…)

It is a car show as well held at Norden.Cars are judged on how clean they are.They are hoping for about 50 cars plus a few racers.Not to sure if it will be a major conflict though.I guess my saturday is booked :mrgreen:

Now why would you want to go to view a car show of another marque, when you can PARTICIPATE in a show of your own kind? :smiley:

I’m sorry but if you ditch us (EZCC and NECC) just to look at some Porsches, you’re gonna get a lot of razzing, man!! :stuck_out_tongue:

You won’t be getting any “razzing” from me. I’ll be going to view both car shows! :smiley:

I wont be participating in the show even if my car is done and I still have it.I will be there to show support for the necc though.I am also helping out at the Porsche show so I will have to be there as well.

I am really really hoping to have my car out there, but due to my unforeseen injury it doesnt look like that is gonna be possible. I’ll be there to view if my car isnt there however.

So I just got few questions…where is the event and does it cost anything to enter?

NM…I just checked out the Event section and saw all the info there…This thread should be moved over there