Lambo loses to Hyundai in a race...

…from highway speeds to 0mph :lol

what it used to look like

Hyundai sells a minivan?

edit, nope. Reporter is a moron

no but Hyundai sells a Santa Fe as is says in the article

which article? This article?

Lamborghini and mini-van collide on I-5 in Seattle

dude, i didnt write it, get off my nuts. yes the headline says mini van, the text within the article says santa fe. blow me would you. jesus christ, dont you have some fender flares to afix to your vehicle.

lol, your nuts? I didn’t think I was on them. I’ll be more careful next time.

Hyundai FTW! j/k.That sucks.

such a shame , hyudai,s are such a nice car

+1 :haha

i was reading this article earlier today
funny shit :rofl

Hyundai does make a minivan- the Entourage. Thats not it here though.

your sig is unbearable paul.


The level of gayness is exceptional.

What’d the Hyundai driver do? “Oh hey I’m sitting at a red light, now suddenly I’m a foot higher off the ground and there’s a Lambo under me?”

^And I always thought the Lambo’s wedge design was just for aerodynamics …

any news on the damage to the car, brett?

atleast he could open his door. lol.