Lance Armstrong to be stripped of Tour de France titles and banned for life

This. Guy has put up with/gone through a metric shit ton of shit.

You missed the entire point of what I wrote. The point is that Armstrong DID NOT DESERVE TO WIN. He cheated. That’s why he ha been stripped of his titles. Natural talent or not, he cheated to get there. The people who came in second we’re robbed of the titles that they deserved from THEIR HARD WORK.

YOU missed the point. All of the guys in second failed the drug tests armstrong passed.

Oh jeez. Can you really not extrapolate what I am trying to say? When someone cheats, it ruins it for everyone else trying to do it the right way. The other guys who WERE caught doping, came in Second (Ulrich, Basso and the like).

I am not anti-Armstrong. I think he’s an inspiration to millions of people. I am anti-PED in any type of competitive sport.

Are you mentally deficient? He’s never failed a drug test. How did he not deserve to win? He has not cheated, unless you know something that everyone else in that industry doesn’t?

He’s sick of dealing with all the bullshit, that’s it.

I don’t believe he was on PEDs at all… No way you win 7 fucking years and NEVER test positive while winning… They test the winners twice as much… Its all bullshit…

The sad part about this is its probably gonna make the Livestrong foundation fall apart. All on evidence that doesnt exist and cant be proven by any way. Fuckin bullshit.

Haters gonna hate, and that’s what it boils down too.

People don’t believe someone can be this successful in a sport, give it a few years before Phelps is put under the microscope with people saying there is no way he could have won all those medals without doping.

It’s funny but if you think about it, nobody likes a winner when they win all the time unless you were a fan of the person or team from the get go.

Just because he didn’t’ fail his drug tests doesn’t mean he never used PED’s. There’s evidence that he manipulated the drug testers into doing the tests when he wanted. He knew that the result of this was him being stripped of his titles, and banning him from cycling for life. Why would he not go through with this and clear his name? “All the bullshit?” C’mon. I think this really falls into a case of “Where there’s smoke, there’s fire” He should’ve stood up and gone to bat.

Look at Baseball (Which is where my views on steroids and PED’s comes from now). They do random drug testing now, albeit not very comprehensive, and not blood testing. They’ve caught 5 MLB players this year. The 2 most recent ones, you could just watch by their play, that it looked like they were getting a boost. One had been released by another team, then came back like a maniac the next season. I very much liked him, but the Yankees traded away awhile back. Then there was a pitcher, who had not been picked up by any teams when he was 37. He had stem cell therapy, (which you can’t even get in the US because of the Jesus freaks) came back at 38 and pitched awesome for the first half of the season for the yankees, and then fizzled out. They didn’t ask him to come back this season. Now he comes back and throws 38 strikeouts in a row in April. These types of amazing feats I don’t think are so amazing.

its fucked up when the very sport that you have made so much money for and brought countless hours of exposure to, tells you that you are guilty unless you can prove your innocence. they had the gaul to tell him to prove that he wasnt doping or cheating… ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS?! how could you even prove that? they cant even prove he DID cheat. the french have had a bug up their ass ever since he first won the tour. the man beat cancer. he started a foundation that has changed lives. he has been retired for years. could you imagine the strian and stress this has caused on his life? the witch hunt that will never end. i dont understand how him saying that he doesnt want to keep doing this runaround is an admission of guilt.

^^ this

They took his ball now they want his awards.

He should video tape every moment of his life for how ever long it takes to train for another race, and win said race. then when they cry “cheater” mail them the 65TB’s of video data and say “ohh yeah, where did I do that”.

If the tests say he didnt cheat… and people reaallllllly think he did. Improve the tests or shut the fuck up.


He couldn’t even do that because they imposed a life time ban on racing against him too.

lifetime ban on suspicion ?

fuck this place I am outa here. I heard through the grape vine that I was in the cross hairs for the next lifetime ban from Awesome Town. So far I passed all the awesomeness tests but some people still think I am lame and want to kick me out.

I blame Obama.

alot of people use performance enhancing drugs nowadays. some drugs people use for recreation are performance enhancing and they dont even know it. same with pharmacy drugs.

we all know if you want to win you have to have a upper hand. what easier than a drug that you can take with no practice and be better.

look at tiger woods. he had performance enhancing eye surgery awhile back and never lost his awards. its not a drug but still performance enhancing

performance enhancing upgrades are amazing. its like upgrading your car. you can run faster, look better, be stronger, have more endurance, think better, stretch better, jump higher, get taller etc

just like most power adders for cars they are illegal for the street, but people still use them. performance enhancing drugs are illegal and people still use them. so why have a law for ppl to profit on? if its a rule for a event i understand. but some people like pro’s baseball players payed fines to someone. i guess this is seperate topic.

it is lol. but just bc somebody wins, doesnt mean they are on PEDs

I want to watch baseball where the pitcher throws so fucking fast, that the ball goes through the catchers HAND and catches his glove on fire. In football I want to see a running back run a 87yrd TD with a broken leg flopping in the breeze because he is so juiced up. I could go on

hell yea!
