Lance Armstrong > *

Probably the only athlete i will actually call myself a fan of.

Also, one of the Best American athletes that has ever been and will ever be.



and hes bangin cheryl crow

:tup: :tup:


And doesn’t have to pull out :tup:

what brings this post on mark? did he do something today…retire?

Well this is his last tour de france ever and he is set to win his 7th straight.

… hes over rated


The stamina of those cyclists is absolutely insane. The distances they ride at the speeds they do. I could never complete one stage, let alone all of them so fast.

And Lance Armstrong isa freaking animal.

:tup: Much respect. There’s a reason he survived cancer when was told he was gonna die.

lance is the man.

imagine how good he’d be in those races if he had both nuts! lol

i think they would slow him down. I know mine make me very uncomfortableon a bike.

Greatest athlete that’s ever lived? Most impressive streak in sports history? You can easily make the argument, and there’s no clear answer.

But you can’t fail to respect a man who came from a trailer park, beat advanced cancer, and went on to brutalize the competition 7 years in a row in the most physically and mentally grueling single sporting event in the world. After the first year, everyone knew his strategy, how he trained, and how he would win. And it didn’t matter, because he was just that much better than anyone else.

I was a bike racer, and I still cycle. I’ve been a fan of bike racing since I was a kid, and i’ve watched as much of Lance’s tours as I could. He’s never failed to impress, whether he won easy, or had a brutal tour, like in 2003. I was sad to see him for the last time ever in Paris today, and even though i’ll keep watching the tour, it won’t be the same without Armstrong.

thats funny, i was just watching inspired by lance on DHC right now when i saw this thread

7 wins in a row is nuts. Lance rocks

Lance is definately one of my favorite and most inspirational atheletes of all time.

Retire when you’re on top, that’s the way to do it. :tup:

Ohh yeah, Keep bangin’ Lance :headbang:


random fact: on average, Tour de France cyclists burn 125,000 calories. (aprx. 6,000 calories a day). that’s a lot.

he’s definitely greater than star, and that’s pretty great considering that star’s always wailing on madd guitar while porking 34 bitches at once