Landlord/Legal issue

I’m not sure if we are in the same thread here or perhaps you just aren’t paying attention. We had two cats in the apartment for one year, they were allowed according to our lease. The landlord knew we had them and we paid an extra $25 a month on top of our rent in order to have them there.

He claims the carpet was new when we moved in. It was in good shape; however, I doubt that it was new. We lived there for a year. Professional cleaning removed most of the stains on the carpet. The stains that would not come out we’re minimal. I understand that non pet owners will notice a pet odor, that is why I had the carpets cleaned and treated for pet odor. My husband and I were in the apartment approximately a week after the cleaning and I smelled no cat odor, whereas I had smelled one slightly prior to the carpet cleaning.

He did call me and request that I pay for the carpet replacement. I honestly don’t remember what date this was, it may or may not have been within 30 days. However, according to the law he should have sent something in writing within 30 days.

The “pet clause” as you have called it was that we were allowed to have our cats in the apartment, as I mentioned previously.

I see me either A. getting my security deposit back from him after he reads the letter I sent to him today or B. filing a civil suit and winning considering he clearly broke the law and then I will have twice my security deposit. For his sake, I hope he takes the easy route.