Never consider living here....

I went and looked at the model apartment at Campus Manor (next to Daemen College in Amherst) and it was a really nice place. They promised new carpets if they were damaged and an updated kitchen, even better than what the model had. So it sounded like a good idea. The area is real nice there and close to everything. So I come in the following week and gave them a $200 dollar deposit and $40 for a processing fee…they run my creadit and I pass so everything is a go…the following week is move in time. My room mate and I meet on our lunch breaks to go do the walk-through and sign the lease. The lady opens the door of the apartment and it’s awful. The “new” kitchen has animal teeth marks all over the counter, there are huge red stains in every room and the bathroom ceiling had black and green mold all over it. Then we go check out our storage unit in the basement. There is a foundation leak with water pouring into our space and rotted wood all over and it smells nasty. So we talk to the lady and tell her our concerns. She said there was nothing she could do about the conditions of the apartment and said she could rent it out in that exact condition. So now i’m moving the next monring with my truck packed and someone taking my place in my old apartment the next afternoon…So basically if I don’t take the apartment i’m homeless or if I take it i’m living in mold and who knows what else…so I call the attorney I work for and he said he will work it out. Well then the lady callme back at 4:00 on Friday and says she will replace the carpet but that’s it. She said the mold stays and the rotting basement storage and the chewed up counters…so I said…no thanks, I’d rather be homeless than live here. I called her Monday to get the deposit back and she said no. So I called today to talk with the supervisor and she said mold isn’t harmful and that the storage isn’t part of the apartment and that the stains weren’t bad enough to replace the carpet but that they offered anyways…so now my attorney is getting involved and if they don’t settle on the deposit…that this could become a big lawsuit. So the point of my rant is…DON’T LIVE AT CAMPUS MANOR :slight_smile: :shoot:

what a nightmare.

i’m sorry

Nizandy and I are probably moving out Oct. 1st to become E.A. scammers…

I don’t think you need any further info on the place.

that’s pretty bogus, gl with it!

Good for you for not letting them jerk you around.

I had some apartment issues last year with sewage backups which weren’t cause by us yet they expected us to clean it ourselves, and then there were 13 mice and a snake that i cought myself before they even showed up to do anything about the hole in the brick where they came in. We had to call the health department before anything happened but we didnt take shit either.

Hope you get things sorted out soon.

I concur, not to mention it’s like $700/mo now. You can find much better apartments than there.

My girlfriend just moved into that complex. Her 1 room mate is not from this area, and the other doesn’t really care about much and just goes with the flow. When I walked into that apt for the first time I almost hit the floor. The carpet was disgusting, it smelled like piss, the kitchen is old as hell, a 5 year old probably did the painting. I will have to agree that this place is poorly run and that the manager is very hard to deal with. The gf hates confrontation and doesn’t like sticking up for herself for some reason. I ended up going over and having a talk with the landlord. They ended up with all new carpets and lowered monthly rent. All in all I second the non recommendation of that place.

Looks like you’re not alone in your opinion:

Ugghhh… that is shitty as hell. Hope you can get that deposit back

Also a bit off topic, did you happen to find that key for upstairs. And are you going to get rid of those tires of yours I really don’t want those around nor do I want to pay to dispose of them. :wink:

Hope the other new place is going well for you.

if u need a place to stay u can crash at the shack

that sucks stairs :frowning:

move into jeremys house… and in the mean time stay in a hotel?

thats fucking disgusting

heh… no shit. I was thinking about moving in over there too… fuck that :tdown:

hope you get your $$$ back. With a lawyer though, I don’t see you having much of a problem.

back when I was at raintree, they fucked me pretty good. I’m a fairly clean person (aka, don’t live in my own filth) and when I moved out, I scrubbed the place from top to bottom… vaccumed it, cleaned the toilet and shower, ect so they didn’t have to do too much, and so they wouldn’t try giving me shit that it wasn’t “up to their standards” and hit me with a fee.

well, on the walkthrough, the lady OK’d it and I went on my way. A month or so later, I get a call from a collections agency saying that I owed them like 200.00 or something like that for leaving my apartment the way it was.

I called raintree and they pretty much told me “oh well… nothing we can do, already sold it to collections” and sure as shit, the collections agency wasn’t going to listen… so I was forced to pay extra $$$ for no reason or else they were going to fuck my credit up on me. I didn’t get a letter, a bill or even a phone call from raintree regarding the problem in question. Just a supprise phone call while I was at work. :rolljerk:

sorry for the rant… it pisses me off to no end when landlords pull shit like that


well, on the walkthrough, the lady OK’d it and I went on my way. A month or so later, I get a call from a collections agency saying that I owed them like 200.00 or something like that for leaving my apartment the way it was.

I called raintree and they pretty much told me “oh well… nothing we can do, already sold it to collections” and sure as shit, the collections agency wasn’t going to listen… so I was forced to pay extra $$$ for no reason or else they were going to fuck my credit up on me. I didn’t get a letter, a bill or even a phone call from raintree regarding the problem in question. Just a supprise phone call while I was at work. :rolljerk:


thats REALLY fucked up.

have you checked your credit report to make sure it’s not on there anyways? they may have said it’s not, but in reality it is.

i’d call stair’s lawyer and go to town, because if it hit your credit report, there are a number of different things you could sue for / get corrected


thats REALLY fucked up.

have you checked your credit report to make sure it’s not on there anyways? they may have said it’s not, but in reality it is.

i’d call stair’s lawyer and go to town, because if it hit your credit report, there are a number of different things you could sue for / get corrected


+1… except you need to get a report from all 3 agencies. Even if it does get corrected, odds are each agency will need a good kick in teh ass to make sure it is actually off of your credit score.

haven’t checked my credit since then, although I probably should.

I was beyond pissed. It was about a year ago now… I’d have ALOT of paperwork to sift though to find all the paperwork/recipts… I figured it would of been more costly to go after them, than just paying the stupid “fee”.

just goes to show ya… be careful who you’re renting from

oh, and Joe, Andy and Chris (nitroinsane, taurussho and skurge) all have been there, so they all know the place wasn’t a POS, nor did I treat it like such


Ugghhh… that is shitty as hell. Hope you can get that deposit back

Also a bit off topic, did you happen to find that key for upstairs. And are you going to get rid of those tires of yours I really don’t want those around nor do I want to pay to dispose of them. :wink:

Hope the other new place is going well for you.


Yeah…the tires will be pick up soon. and I can drop the key off in the mailbox this week as well.

and I found a new place late friday night and it’s so much better than campus Manor and 5 bucks cheaper a month with a dishwasher and new counters…so i’m all set on a home. thanks for offering Kyle!!


and I found a new place late friday night and it’s so much better than campus Manor and 5 bucks cheaper a month with a dishwasher and new counters…so i’m all set on a home.


good to hear :tup:

Uncool, I had an experience like yours 4 years ago at Amherst manor. I learned to check the Apt. over a week or 2 before move in.

mold = nasty and harmful to your health if restricted to that area for an extended period of time (like all of winter). So that was definitly a good call. I hope you get your $$ back.

good luck!