Looking for legal advice about my landlord.

Long story short, I don’t trust my land lord and I want to discuss the matter with a legal professional. Someone who knows about tenants rights. I’m broke so my options are limited in that regard.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Im sure nyspeed will have lots of opinions, whats the situation?

I usually use 5w30.

Weren’t you just trying to sell her condo for her?

Punch him in the dick and yell fuck you i am not paying rent. The law in NY makes it hard for him to evict you in a timely manner.

Well not to go to far into it but she admitted to using my deposits to cover her financial obligations. She says that there will be no problem in getting me my deposit by the time we leave but I’m not too comfortable with the idea.

The tenants rights guide from the NY Attorney Generals website says she can’t mingle her money with my deposit. She only rents two condo’s so I know there is a bit of a difference when compared to an owner of a large building.

I would really like to sit down with someone and discuss the matter but I really don’t have the cash for any kind of session fee with a lawyer.

why dont you just wait to see if she gives you the money when you leave then take the appropriate action?

I’m not really looking into legal arbitration at this point, more of an informational meeting to understand my rights as a tenant.

Internet guides and such can only tell me so much.

hope my info helps you…

I don’t know if this is law or not but I do believe that you are also entitled to interest on the money you gave as a deposit. I have gotten more back than I gave as a deposit in the past. (by a couple of bucks)

they have to have the money in a deposit savings account at a local bank… it cannot be comingled with their money by law… thats the rule

so would I be a douche bag if I asked for the interest? I moved out of my apt on/before june first and he still hasnt sent the check. I lived there since october…

my advice is wait till she pays you on your agreed upon date. If she does not send her a registered letter demanding payment in full. Video tape the condtion of the condo as you leave and include the front page of the buffalo news with date for refrence. If you start shit now she may fabricate dammage to the condo and call the deposit in for repairs. The video should stop her from doing so. Keep in mind what really happens is not important, what is provable and documented is all that matters in court. I have no idea why in the world she would tell you that. good luck

they have to provide it to you… if they dont its on them…

they also have to give you your deposit in 30 (may be 14) days and notify you of any deductions in that timeframe

Google NY renters rights… there are PLENTY of resources available

If you have yer deposit etc in writing that you gave it and Landlord accepted it that should be enough to hold up.

It’s been a long time since I rented but I thought the interest on your deposit was only a NYC regulation.

This is how I understand it also. I’m a landlord.

I give my tenants giftcards at christmas that would be way in excess of any interest payment anyways.

For the original poster, honestly dude you sound like a pain in the ass tenant.

If you want to move out, and the place is in decent shape, then go get the deposit back.

Who gives a shit what the landlord does with the money? How much money are we talking about here?

Do you want interest on your 600 bucks or whatever? Do you know that interest rates for savings accounts is under 2%?

Petty squabbles like this is the exact reason why I talk to 10-15 people and screen them heavily before I rent an apartment.

Well excuse the fuck out of me for being concerned with less than two months left on the lease when my landlord who cries poverty says ‘I don’t have your security deposit, I needed to use it to shift money around’. If she doesn’t have a right to the money then she doesn’t have a right to the money and it is as simple as that.

I don’t give a shit about the $2-$3 dollars of interest, I’m more concerned with her telling me ‘sorry I still don’t have your security deposit’ or coming up with a bunch of bogus BS so that she can keep from paying me come this August.

Dude you can’t substitute a “gift” for interest. Try useing that in court. “Well your honor I didn’t give them their interest because I gave them a $25 gift card for BestBuy for Christmas.”

What a Joke.

If you’re that worried about it there are a few ways you can go.

1.) Talk to her and see what kind of agreement both of you can come to. Explain how you feel and your major concern is that she will not be able to pay it back when you move out. Make sure to remind her how you were a good tenant and never had any problems (etc.)
2.) Ask her if you can use the deposit as last months rent.
3.) You can be a complete dick and not pay the last moths rent. She can’t evict you that fast.

I think what JustinH is trying to say, is that he goes above and beyond for his tenants if they are nice to him. If someone really wants the $2 in interest, I’d let them bring me to court, just for the laugh.