Landlord/Legal issue

DOH. Would be nice to have a decent landlord for a change. My very first landlord has tons of properties and is the definition of a slum lord. No screening of tenants. While I was there there was a murder, various domestics, pot smokers/dealers across the hall, and on top of that someone moved in and brought their termites with them. ALL apartments were sprayed once a month for 8 friggin months because the idiot kept watering down the pesticide spray. AND his “crew” told a woman 8 months or so pregnant that should could stay in the apartment while they sprayed it because it was just a “cleaning spray”.

The one I have now is AWFUL. Our front door doesn’t open/close right. Coming in you have to kick it in, going out, you have to brace a foot against the wall and yank it open. When we moved in there were no smoke detectors and were told “that’s something that you have to buy yourself if you want them”. Blah. Sorry. Ranting. Someone mentions “bad landlord” and my blood boils.

I’m anxious to see where things go for you because I’m expecting problems from my landlord as well. We have carpet in our apartment that is at LEAST 10-15 years old that he claims is “new”. Both apartments have it (duplex) and he’s “professionally” cleaned the carpet himself but he pre-treated the stains with what we think is either dish or laundry soap because it leaves the carpet “soapy” and there are spots that get dirty instantly (like the dirt sticks to them). He’s trying to say that it’s both our fault and the tenants upstairs’ fault. Not to mention the carpet doesn’t even fit the floor (some corners it’s 1/2" from the wall, others there is an inch or more of carpet rolled up along the wall) AND the older carpet in the back rooms is threadbare COMPLETELY (this carpet is 15 years old at the absolute NEWEST).