Especially if it is an old log cabin, that is like a bonfire waiting to happen. lol
Lots of reports of the police yelling “set it on fire” before the place went up in flames so I wouldn’t be surprised if at least one of those “smoke bombs” was of the road flare variety.
Since the police force now resembles the military maybe they should follow the same rules like not being able to burn out enemies anymore? lol
So they don’t know the identity of the remains yet. So it’s possible that the LAPD/SWAT burned down a house with an innocent person in it?
If the random person was exchanging gun fire with them
It would be pretty entertaining if it was some other criminal
Although, the person inside did shoot and kill an officer and injure another. So the term innocent probably isn’t accurate.
In all likelihood, if the person inside was innocent, they would have made contact with police in some way and identified themselves as such. This went on for several hours. They didn’t just show up and throw a grenade through the window.
^ To be fair after seeing how the police treated those two pickup truck drivers they thought might be Dorner I might have taken the “open fire on the pigs” approach if they surrounded my cabin and started yelling “Dorner, come out now”.
They could have walked out with their hands up… :scratch:
Anyways, Was any of this actually caught on film. Just trying to open up the “its a hoax and the police are in on this making it seem hes been captured/killed/suicide, but actually the guys long gone and they have no clue where the hell he is” Or the, “he was in on it the whole time with government officals to start a new law/keep secrets in side the government and not out to the public”
There were news helicopters however they were asked to pull back right before the building started on fire lol
That road flare they tossed into the building would be really tough to call a smoke bomb when you could see it from a helicopter.
Interesting. Sure looks like someone outside of the cabin setting it on fire.
I thought it was very odd that the helicopters were just hovering with the cabin just behind the trees and then all of a sudden they came around to where it was visible. It appeared as if they didn’t want us to see something.
They were using smoke bombs to try and get him out of the building. Allegedly, one of the smoke bombs sparked the fire.
^ Allegedly.
Man sounds like a bunch of tin foil hats in here…oh wait, this was caught on film by the media along with voice recordings and there wasn’t enough time to strike it from the record.
Yeah. In fact, here’s one a little bit more unimpeachable.
Did they say “burn this mother fucker” on live news lol
I have a hard time feeling bad for him at this point… Frankly, it’s really clear that he is guilt. No need to spend taxpayer money on trial and the cost to keep him in a jail cell for another 40-50 years.
I have heard the police radio recording from Sandy Hook and you can hear someone say “End Adam’s life”. It may be fake but I am just sayin. :tinfoilhat:
Sure you could see it that way but then you just negated due process.