lasertron gokarts, tonight, 7/16

just get into it. go! if you follow my advice, see ya later.

ps. the one in the northtowns. i think that’s the only one. call me for details. 997-1794.

i wanna do this… but is it gay?

what about fast freddies

fast freddies is gay.

go to lasertron tonight!

dawn i think posting ur number on nyspeed is a BAD idea lol

The taxi driver has a point there. That said it’s a good time.

eh, i don’t give a shit. it’s just a phone number.

either way, GO TO LASERTRON.

omg inb4everyonestartscallingdawnforlatenightphonesex


whew… she’s good… 3 minutes. No extra charges either.

fuck, i’ll be there next time. hopefully parents wont hold the vr-slo hostage next time. we should go somewhere from taffys tomorrow night

hahahhaah what?!?!?

your parents took away your car? :lol:

haha yeah. they freaked out the other day and decided to take my keys, although I PAY FOR THE FUCKING THING.

since edit wont work

i drove home my friends from my grad party who were drunk and my mom thought i was drunk. so she flipped.

along with catching me racing the other day