Last Drift Day of 2009, Sun Nov 8th FABI!!!

Mark PAID!!!
conky PAID!!!
George PAID!!!

license and registration , chicken fucker.
I’ll try my best to get some wheels for this…

If I can get my car running 200% again. I’m keeping her for this track day at the very least!!!

I’ll be down to video tape some shit and get you motherfuckers rocking it with your cocks out if I get my exhaust welded up tomorrow. :lol: no homo though. :sunglasses: `

Ill be there… If i can find some tires Ill drift… if not then Ill be watching… Gents those who wanna crash at my place who Ive talked to before LMK

ye we need m0ar people to video and get crazy on the track. fabi is ab it harder for filming you just gotto go out there and dodge cars like bullets.

Me and Kengi are going up Sat. night and crashin in Trenton. I finally get to sleep in on a Sunday. What time do you guys start ripping, 1pm?

^^ 9-5pm. I can’t believe I’m going to miss this.

Fack true. Well I’m not leaving Trenton before 11AM most likely… I want some good rest man.

Trenton wrecking saturday night. called it.

Something came up… not sure if I can make it boys.

the cut off date is November 6th (Friday)

and only 3 people pre paid

unless i get 12 more people to pay is is not happening

step it up people

lol. kkk, tonight, emt coming ur way.

Does someone have a non hicas rear driver knuckle?

i have knucle as well

You boys better step up! if this shit gets cancelled… not only is peter giving me my money back, but he owes me 10 back rubs, and three nighty-nights.

im not surprised this is SON240 after all

i shood just sell me car buy a 350z and start running GRIP days

or shood i just slit my wrists

ill slit mine too. come on! if you feel your skill is low and you need to work on it this is the perfect time, dont think people talk shit behind your back about “how much you suck at drifting” You gotto learn and the best time and place is your home town FABI track. Nelson is also good.

i talk shit about pants all the time… JOE KING :slight_smile:

its true shit talking is KEY

plus going to track days gives you pretty pictures to post on your facebook

girls love the facebook, not so much the cars tho

I am so dissapointed…only 3 people?? Wow

try posting on the gtr board, a couple guys might roll out
