last night fun

first time i have had the sol out since world of wheels just crusing… some chick in a wrx from wva was out i wanted to race but to much traffic so i spin around at this gas station and this yellow mustang newer style with mach one graphics pulls up next to me …yes we roll raced i know iknow …anyway like 15 mph roll he hammers it with no warning or count so i take off we are dead even untill i hit third then i jump out about a car and 1/2 dude was cool as hell said he had an intake and he went 13.5…nothing that exciting but the delsol is 1-0 for the year yeeaaaa

I’ll take you from a dig… w/ the orange one down there

why do you bring up that thing in every post? get someone like shag to suck your dick and get over it.

del slow > *

i do not… i’ve said it like 3 times in the 5 months i’ve been here… just b/c someone else brough it up last week once, you think ur gonna be cool and try to shoot someone down… stfu…

btw, what do you have done to that thing? that would be pretty good to beat a Mach1… or wait, you said it had Mach1 graphics… so was it just a plain GT?
even so, i dunno what a del sol will run (not very fast i would think) but to beat a 13.5 car is impressive…

nice kill!

your kabuta vs my mtd yard machine or i will go borry my buddys farmall h

as for whats done to my delslow its turboed like every other hybrid car