Late night Crew.


Not really sure why I am up.

fucking forza 4.

im going to bed, i knew this was gonna keep me awake

Got lucky tonight… i went to turn off my light when I saw some mosquitos floatin around… as I was killing them, I saw the same sized spider just chillllllennnn on a sweatshirt that was chillen on the ground, I promptly murdered it with my remote control. I’m hoping those were the only two, I knew exactly where they were… I just couldn’t get to them and there were only two. The window had been raised up for the air conditioner and they were in between the top and the bottom part of the window. When I discovered them I sprayed them with febreeze, but that obviously didnt kill them. I think my problems are over now, but just in case I created a diversion. I took my heated blanket, turned it on, and threw it on the ground… any spider in the room should be drawn to it… keeping them away from me.

Central air ftw


Going to bed as soon as I finish this nasty fucking hot pocket. Tomorrow off. Fuck yeah.

Gonna be a long night. 2 midterms tomorrow.

Hope it goes easy man,Good luck.

Not late.


typical justin2386

Hey brother how are you doing, I am doing well.

3am, who’s up doing nothing useful?

I’m studying for an ethics and anatomy midterm.

Im working 3rd shift… UGHHH.

In it to win it!!!

Since when? Lol

I just got dominated twice in 3v3 Starcraft2. Time to call it a night.

Since this week lol. They needed coverage, so im on 3rd for 3 weeks

Back on night shift for 3 months. What’s up.