Late night Crew.

No sleep. Recurring nightmares keep waking me up.

What is it about?

I had one about spiders the other night. I did goto bed drunk and intoxicated, after killing a big black spider while I was on the throne.

Its not late. I shouldnt have responded lol

Sweet 2am post from er with dad again, waiting hours for them to get him up to a room after being admitted again(blown knee due to the physical stress from the back shit)

That sucks, sorry to hear man :confused:

I just had to go through a bunch of shit cuz I infected my computer at work with a virus…

SPAGETT :dunno

We had a roaming virus that attacked all tools and computers.

Damn students and their USB’s filled with pr0n :facepalm

Adam, I wish you and him the best.

We had something like that last year, shit was SERIOUS BUSINESS.

My USB didn’t have pr0n, just some downloaded music/shows :lol

Yeah I’m sure higher up’s hanged some guy over it, as it all was traced by the IT guys with logins and time stamps and cameras.

Wouldn’t want to be in his shoes.

I forgot, you’re a tech right? What tool?

Yea I got an email sent to me and my manager saying a virus was found. Luckily it was anything big :Idiots

And yea, I’m a PECVD tech. Just run some big deposition tools.

I gotta figure something out about getting into techs. Trying to read up on all theories of electronical engineering, vaccum theories as well as the entire process design beginning to end to help my resume on top of experience in the industry. Doubt I’ll have time or opportunity to go through a direct educational path by going back to school.

I’d love litho tech :ninja

Yea, if I had to pick another area, I’d probably go to litho.

Just spent two hours reading cracked articles. Still not tired. Fuck.

once again, finish writing a paper at 3 am, wide awake due to monster consumption…feel like i did shitty on the paper.

Any tips/suggestions/reading material to help with a tech path? :hug

Honestly, if you’re doing everything you said, you’re in good shape. Most important thing is experience.


I feel your pain.

Helps kill time at work on slow days. As a WSO we spend 10 of the 12.5 hours on the line without an office to retreat to, so I email myself book pages and read them while there.

Litho is fascinating as I’m sure you can agree and relate to as a photography fan. It’s quite funny to see aperture and focus and depth of field terms and principles used on DSLR’s appear on the line and tech talk.

I’m trying to score a book on lenses and robotics. At night I don’t have many techs to talk to (only support is litho) so I try to talk to all to get info whenever, however I can - yourself including.

Still can’t sleep.

My reaction when I first started learning about Litho:

I’ll try to find my old school books, I had a couple interesting ones you might like to read.

Oh and I am 100% sure that you know more than I when it comes to nanotechnology lol.