I only need about the amount pictured here. Thanks man
Oh shit … prolly like $50. Make sure you come out of the compressor and drop down into a low spot and put a trap, then raise back up before you go to the regulator & hose. I seriously had snow-cones in my lines before this.
Looks awesome man! I need a garage of my own to play with.
Thanks for the tips. This will probably be a summer project for me.
no problem man! if you need a hand lemme know! It was a lot of fun to do! Very time consuming though, Jon and I leveled all the lines with a level and made sure all the bends were 90 etc. I was really a lot more anal than I should’ve been. LOL
I thought you were supposed to slope the lines very slighty torwards your traps to help the water flow to them?
Our entire 16000sqft machine shop air system is plumbed with PVC. Works very well and far cheaper than copper. Looks great there!
Get an air/water separator in that system. Even a cheapo one is better than nothing($30-$40) Your air tools will thank you
that looks sick wayne nice job, i do agree with previous comment though, you should have put in one or two more outlets, thats probably the only thing you will regret. but either way it will work and work nicely, the other way just could have been a bit more convenient at times.
See now I had one of those before, and I would get a ton of water in the line, even though I emptied it every time i ran the compressor. I’ve run the compressor so far for about 3 hours straight and haven’t had one bit of air. Those traps I made won’t pull the water out like a pcv system would?
Oh and when I say I was getting a lot of water, my die grinder would literally stop spinning.
I dunno I didn’t maybe I should’ve…
i wonder why it was that bad???
Well it cant be a big deal. Sounds like it works great anyways. I thought I remembered reading it was a good idea when i was looking into hard line setups.
Dude I’ve never seen anything like it… I have no idea why it was doing what it was doing… but I’m glad it’s fixed!!!
fuck yeah i would be too!!
Wayn3 reppin GERMANAUTOPARTS?? Lolz.
Looks good man!!
its kinda late now, but i have 2 cans unopened of that purple primer crap.
(House i live in, 2 owners ago used to own a residential construction place… left SO many supplies behind. )
Edit: on a side note it looks great. I just spent 4 hours cleaning my garage today of the last 4 months of just throwing shit in it. still have another 2or more ahead of me
I have got to stop in sometime and check your place out.
ANYTIME Vlad, its a complete fucking shithole right now cause i’m workin! but what you doing tonight? text me
Hahah just breakin’ your balls man…
Guess I’ll be by sometime soon to see this project too. Looks great kid. :thumb
(sorry for going into your above post, it was an accident, nothing was actually edited)
wait … when did u get mod privvys?