Latest garage project:

Don’t have your number or addy.

Pm me.

recently, and I think it started with a “what you doing tonight, text me” :lol

i spy a GAP bag. :thumbup

NWS tags please, this pic has tits in it :rofl

bahahahahaha Thanks for reminding me, I still have to hang that up!

We just ran the hose itself lol. And used brackets to attach it to the wall.

we got the same shit in our garage but copper and a wind up on the ceiling, its the best thing ever, the intake even comes from outside LOL

srs? i wanna see some pics Singh!!! I was gonna do wind ups too, didn’t wanna spend the extra $$

Anything else you got done in the idle time?

I damn well you can’t stand sitting around with hands not doing anything you OCD bastard.

which one of us?!?! lol

Singh likes to sit on his hands and stare at the screen, you actually like to do stuff :lol

Well i managed to do 4 cars on saturday, then sunday did one more. Was out working on the cad tonight for a bit, until I got a call @ 7 from my buddy who’s back yard turned into a lake. Had to go help him pump out!! No actual projects on the garage itself yet, at least not till summer :slight_smile:

I’m stealing you to work on my garage and get some crazy ideas before you get busy with yours :shifty

lol i’ll help ya out!!!

Quoted for future regret of saying those words :rofl