Latest garage project:

So I’e been having a terrible time with water in my air line ever since I moved in here. I’ve been putting this off forever but it was finally time to hard line this thing. So far it’s working 100%!

So far so good!!! Isn’t too much left to do out there now! Thanks to GATVILLE for the help, we were up till 4am Friday night doin werk! +rep when i can!


I dont think Ive ever seen anybody run air lines/pipes using PVC before. Always metal.

sched 40 FTW.

Well hopefully it works but I always thought there was a reason for using metal and not PVC.

PJB, there’s different ratings of PVC brah


btw, Wayne, how much does something like this cost? I dont want my compressor in the main part of the garage, but in the outside room due to noise and space constraints and this seems like a great route

regardless Ive never seen any of it for air lines

nice. Those retractable air hose reels are where its at. I’d pick up one of those and mount it to the ceiling if I were you.

:thumbup glad its working out bro

I was into this for about $200 including the air regulators. I had the hose reels and hoses laying around so add for that.

The hose reels aren’t the self retracting baller ass ones (I is broke niqqa) they are the ones with handles. Decided it was probably a better idea not to mount em to the cieling :wink:

But seriously, I was going to go with the ones you are talking about but this ended up being a last minute, spur of the moment, I’m pissed cause a snowcone just came out of my airline style project. :slight_smile:

Looks good Wayne!!! Nice design :lol

Hope it helps with water in your lines, it works for us.

PJB: Shops have to use metal lines. I guess there are horror stories of PVC lines breaking but a lot of people use sch40 pvc without issues.

every one i’ve ever seen in a home garage was pvc.

Steve i snagged your idea for the traps, and just modified it by using a larger pipe on the down spout hoping it would work like a PCV system and the water would drop out of the air as it flows across the larger gap. So far so good!!!

mine from the compressor in the basement to the garage are PVC

I think you should have put atleast 1 or 2 more connections within the line to make things easier… especially 1 near the bench then you could have a short 4ft-8ft line that is kept right at the bench. But either way it looks sick. As soon as I get my house and my garage I will be hardlining throughout.

I never said nobody does it, just that the ones Ive seen were always metal.

My grandfather put in several air outlets in the house. The compressor is in the basement and theres an outlet in the garage and one on the patio too.
He used the air to blow leaves off the patio and driveway alot.

Actually ours is a little different, hope it works for you still. I was hesitant to plumb the hard line right into the compressor tank. I’m using a flex hose now (leaks a bit), I might have to switch.


Yea I was wondering about my solid connection. Only downside to PVC is that once it’s there it’s there! Any leaks and I gotta cut and start over LOL. Luckily I had not one single issue!