
k24/k20 civic and that porsche that jiggzy’s talkin about

Prime example of someone jumping ship mid-atlantic sans life vest ITT.

f-onez toonzer disappears from the forum and a clown shoe pops up to replace him. We are so lucky.

Lmao its pretty fucking funny that amdisthebest crushed your dads car with the same set up and it actually looked like your dads car was standing still

lol my clutch was fried what do you expect?

Shoulda been double clutching. Then you wouldn’t have blown the welds on the intake… Now the mad scientist has to rip apart the block and replace the piston rings you fried.



So wait, did he race some one? Cool.

If your dad hadn’t spend so much time trying to teach you how to drive his car, your clutch wouldn’t be shot.

my mother taught me how to drive stick. and your completely right. i grinded it a few but who didnt when they were first learning. saying you didnt would just be cocky… and again, thats not his car. he has his own car

holy shit go to sleep

as a matter of fact i will. i have responsibilities unlike half of u goons =P

Yeah, gotta drop that 15 second ride off for a sweet tune up in the AM.

I work on big diesel and never went to votec. I must be doing it wrong.

DOOD WTF IS LAWLZ … what a fruit

Stop its your dads car and every one knows it

:thumbup Yeahhhh! at least i own my s4 not my old man, this kid neeeeds to gtfo

Funny… I actually taught your mom how to play with my stick. I could potentially be your dad.

dumb dumb dumb

2.7 dude only way to redeem yourself is post pics of girls who aren’t ugly that you bang or have banged

So it’s YOUR S4!!! :lol