Parental spanking may be outlawed


yes a agree, if u cant keep your kid quiet, leave the little unruley fuck at home. I Dont want to hear a whiney little shit crying while im trying to do something.


i was at the outlet mall in niagara falls. and this kids was screaming bloody murder because the mother picked the kid up. that kid was hitting some high pitched notes and man i was pissed already as it was.

why in the hell do you have to take your kid shopping. probably the worst thing to do. your the one thats going to style your kid when they are still crying and wining like a baby. if you take them shopping there going to play with every damn thing there or say how much they want ever damn thing. i hate people that cant keep there kids quite. really sucks talking on the phone all day and hearing little kids in the background crying:violin2::shoot::banghead::whip: