Lawn Jobs

The parts one


This is why I have camo cinder blocks in my yard.


this is why I dont have a yard


Just air it out, who was it, just because you say who it is doesn’t mean you can’t get back at them.

Somebody did several yards the next block over from my house. Looked random though considering how many were done.

Somebody ripped donuts on the lawn at the nursing home I deliver to.

You gotta get/make a set of spike strips man

I haz run flat tires

I dont even have grass anymore. Looks like a dirt patch. WTF? We had grass last year after we tore the whole yard up after cutting down a tree and planted grass and it was green and shit but it disappeared and didnt come back.

What is so funny?

buy some bear traps.

they’ll shit bricks, like this! (<click)

Paul, you always manage to take any thread you post in, off topic and into one of your stories…

QFT, :lol

and Jeff some of the lawns are down the road from your grandma (the new houses)

Ya bc “a touch of green” landscaping didnt do it right.

Theres patches everywhere from the new day rd extention and st jude.

Silver wrx… :ninja

Talked to Leo, payback will somehow involve the use of my fathers 1974 Chevy Dually pickup. AKA. The Punisher!! 454 is gonna do werk on lawns :lol

Quoted for future evidence

like i said to k20 the other night, i went through about 100lbs of grass seed, and like 10 mailboxes growing up… it happens. and getting worked up over it, or retaliating doesnt solve it… ask LConrad about my mailbox, he knows where atleast one of them ended up :ahh:lol