its wild ,my old lady almost drowned me one time,but that was when i was skinny and actually wanted to fuck her
I dont know what youre blaming on Dave but he’s a cool guy. He lives across the street from me.
Im talking about tire tracks across the lawns all over that area.
So do you know the person that drives the car that you saw driving across your lawn? Or just what the car looks like?
Spike strips on the edge of the grass on the whole corner. If you dont want to do that… have fun staying up all night for weeks on end until someone does it again.
JW, what’s your neighbor’s last name?
First of all, if you know who it was, then post who it was.
Second, if you don’t know who it was, why do you assume it’s someone you know. People have lawnjobs happen randomly, even I’ve ACCIDENTALLY done one before.
Post pics of the damage so we can see how ‘severe’ it is.
No one on here is going to take matters into their own hands. “Wahhh, someone drove across my lawn.” Shit happens, to all of us. I used to live at a house that was on a street corner. Lawn jobs regularly.
Trust me it wasn’t accidental.
I can see if your house is on a corner and you get them(from whatever, drunk drivers[shouldnt happen anyways, but theyre out there], idiots not knowing where theyre going, old bags not seeing the road) I know my neighbors across the street get atleast a few a year because their house is on the corner.
But I mean whoever did mine, it was 100% intentional, up and around the tree in the middle of my lawn avoiding the lamp post, and then around the mail box. Fucking ridiculous.
That’s what cinder blocks are for. Nice placement. :thumbup :rofl
^You better keep that vehicle of yours in the Guilderland area where it belongs, or else we are going to have problems.
Oh snap
Did Chuck do the lawnjob?
You guys are somethin else. Fight eachother instead of ruining your parents shit.
Yea lets hold a boxing match
I still don’t understand the reasoning behind this. I did nothing to start this or instigate anything whatsoever, yet my parents’ lawn gets chosen for this idiocy.
Who did it. Fuck it just throw it out there.
I’m not going to directly say who it is in this post. If you really want to know who I saw put putt across my lawn while I was standing in my garage looking out of the fucking window, shoot me a PM.
i already know who it was i heard through the grape vine. hes posting in this thread and has a slow japanese fireball
Yea, seems like all signs are pointing his way…