LCD Monitor??

Well my ole CRT dinosaur finally went up in smoke today. I need an LCD monitor ASAP, and I want recommendation on a good one.

The only thing I want is wide format around 20" or so

I am all ears :fyi:

the dell 21" is pimp from what i hear…

what do you want to spend?

Looking to spend maybe $500 to $1000 , you talking the 20.1"

yes… my bad :ham2:

Samsung,Dell,Viewsonic = good.

Dell 2005FPW resolution is 1680x1050, so I will most likely need another video card. My older ATI All in wonder Radeon does not list that as a supported resolution.

thats why ati sucks…lol

Dell 2005FPW routinely sells for less than $400, best you can get for the money.

If you really feel like spending the big coin, go for the 2405, but don’t expect to find it for less than 700-800.

You can get a vid card that would support the resolution for $50.

I don’t really see how that means ATi sucks, do you know of many graphics cards that were new 5-10 years ago that support a widescreen resolution?

thats why turbolsissy sucks

You can HAVE my old 17" crt - to get you through. works fine, i just replaced it with an lcd.

I’ll be posting it up FF later on today.

have Voit bring it out to a fbod meet or something :stuck_out_tongue:


take a pill bro, it was a joke. ati procharger ring a bell? :cry: about it

do you want some french cries with your waaaa burger?

lol, :cjerk: urself…

but if u wana get me fries, make em cajun


lol u 2 sure know how to make a thread go wayyyy off topic :slight_smile:

it’s a pre-req around here. :roll2: :smiley:

At least I added some on toppic content, unlike JnJs anus tickler.

Who is the anus tickler

PM A-Q-R he has a hookup on dell products

I’ve bought from him before, :word: if, he’s still around. Thought he was leaving Buffalo…?