Learn to fight

Are you a pu$$y and tired of getting your face beat in…then watch this video and you will not to be fu^&ed with

Bas Rutten is frickin bad.

id so kick his ass.

eh…one for cutty:rolleyes:

Bas Rutten is one of my favorite fighters, he has a lot of balls in the ring, his open handed strikes to the head are brutal and legendary.

Thats some good shit.


It’s called Jiu Jitsu and if you can learn it by watching a video the I’m John Holmes.

it’s not all Jiu Jitsu (he warns you to try and stay off the ground as much as possible and make it a stand up fight), and the video is not meant replace proper training, its mearly a suppliment to aid training. If you were to see the whole video (which I have) you’d be able to see that, as he says things like “when training with your sparring partner be sure to do x y z”

the domestic guys cant understand this because it didnt show them how to grab there little weapon from under their seat to defend themself.


I think your theory is flawed, because I’m a “domestic guy” :wtcslap:

my bad, i made my theroy off of the majority of GP owners

One of the unfortunate side effects of the UFC is that now everybody thinks Jiu Jitsu = Brazilian ,which is primarily grappling. Japanese Jiu Jitsu (such as the Budoshin and KoKushi-Ryu styles) utilizes strikes, kicks, chops, locks, throws, chokes and vital strikes against an opponent. As you state, it’s about staying off the ground, when possible.

yeah, my roommate does Brazilian style Jiu Jitsu as well as mixed martial arts type fighting. I used to do a good bit of TaeKwonDo a while back, but right now my body is pretty toast.

Go take a class without watching any videos and trying to learn on your own, and see how long you last. There is no substitute for hands-on training, but a basic knowledge goes a long way.