lease detail pros step in...

Alright, I posted in here a little while back about apartment conditions in our current apartment in regards to unsuitable noise conditions and questionable ceiling conditions.

So as it stands now, we were coerced into leasing a townhouse in the same development for much more money as their solution to the unsuitable living conditions. The question I have for you guys is how can I get out of this lease which doesn’t start till march without facing immense fees? We have not paid them a dime for the bee place yet but the lease was signed by my gf last week.

Any suggestions?

Why did you sign a lease? lol

I honestly have no suggestions as I am not a lawyer, but lol at coerced. Nope, you made a bad decision. I highly doubt that someone held a gun to your head and said “signing this is the only way out of this room.”

Well valid question, we were put in the predictament of either sign for the townhouse or be stuck in the current shithole apt until July…and gf signed- that should explain some of the problem lol

Damn females.

Did she sign it in the kitchen at least?

My beer thing went off.

You have three days after signing a contract to have a lawyer look at it and accept or reject it. After that you’re stuck.

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I’m not sure that this is even true. The only time you have a “cool off” period in NYS is when a door to door salesman comes and catches you off guard.

I’m no lawyer but I know in my work, you don’t even have an hour let alone 3 days once a contract is signed.

One of my friends had a person back out of a lease with him using that law. It’s also why car dealers give you three days to return the car.

Cell phones are 3 days too, might be worth looking into if the 3 days aren’t up yet.

maybe it’s not all contracts but just certain ones.

Well its definitely beyond 3 days unfortunately.

There’s no cooling off period in NYS. Only when you’re solicited at your personal dwelling.

Signed for in bacon grease?

Mmmmmmm Bacon makes everything better and believe me, there is no hint of bacon in any millimeter of this situation figuratively speaking.

Just pay the fee to break the lease and walk. Consider it an expensive lesson learned and walk away. Not worth the headaches.

I am no lawyer but if you signed a lease, you are bound to it. If the original deal didn’t work out, you should have walked away. Its like going to a Honda dealer and they didn’t have your civic and deciding the Infiniti they have on the lot is the same color so what the hell and then realized a month later you can’t afford it.

Option 2 would be since your gf was the one who signed it, break up with her and never talk to her again.


next time she will know better