Looking for info for a possible early lease termination. Figure post it here since one of the Basil dealerships would have the car she wants.
My g/f has a 2013 Escape with little less than a year left on the lease. She HATES the car. Wondering if anything can be done to get here into a new car. She’s would like to get into a Explorer or a GMC Terrain.
I’ll cut multiple fingers off before I ever lease again, I simply just drive too much. I got out of my VW from Volkswagen of Orchard Park after paying $2500 after 6 months like a “termination fee”…ya it sucked lol.
A dealership isnt supposed to buy leases out, they are supposed to go back to the leasing company.
That said, some will do it, but most will only consider it if you buy another car fron them. They also are unlikely to offer it as a first option since they can get in trouble for it.
Option 2 is sometimes you can get a 3 month pull ahead, but then you have to buy another.
Or just ride the thing out. It is a contract after all. That would be the smartest option.
At the end of the lease, if you do not wish to lease another car, you turn in the keys at the dealership, pay for any owed fees and leave.
He is not at the end of the lease. He said he has almost a year to go.
To turn his lease in he would have to pay the remaining payments as per the lease contract. In his case, probably close to $3,000.
Are your payments attractive? If so, you can throw it up on swapalease.com or leasetrader.com and see if you get any bites. I had a great experience taking over a lease on leasetrader.
Yes. Most people forget at the end of the lease there is still money “owed” if you decide not to roll it into another lease. It’s a perpetual machine to keep you living in a lease, IMO. I’m sure there is value in that but if you grow out of a certain brand it hard to break out.
If at the end of your lease you decide not to continue business with the dealer you leased from it sounds like your only options are to BUY the leased car and now own it. Or, pay off X amount and return the car. Both options leave either with a car you don’t want or car-less.
I guess if you decided to BUY the car and use it as a trade in for your next car that would be worth it as long as the trade in value is more than the buyout…am I screwing this up in my head? Does this make any sense or have any truth to it?
I think that is what Chuck is saying…if so, got any ~ 2008 Audi A4 Wagons in stock?
The problem with the lease is that you owe them the payments, plus you owe them the agreed upon residual value of the car - those two numbers = buyout cost
which almost always exceeds the trade in value of the car.