Take over my lease. 2012 Volkswagen Golf fully loaded.


:tup: Great DD

For those interested in it… how many months left on the lease??

Signed the lease for 36 months so there are 30 months remaining.

there are

If it was a Tdi I would be tempted.
I love the new 4 door golfs such nice cars with tons of features

Yeah I like it but its just not practical for me to lease a car. I really like the new Tdi’s as well. Super comfy, and great MPG’s.

Text me.

so you got a lease and put 10k on the clock in 6 months… ouch

Good luck though

Will sell for $21k obo and take the $4k+ loss out of my own pocket.

Bump 21k obo!

bump 21k obo.

Pull a Ferris Bueller - put the car on blocks and drop it in reverse.

Also I don’t know if you can do this to the newer vehicles out there, but can’t you put in a toggle switch to turn on/off appending miles??? I recall a friend did this to his Explorer…

I’m sure I could. I just want out of it and the only way to do it is if I pay the buy out on it which is 22k. So it’s for sale for 21k obo and i’ll just pay the difference.

Why not get a loan and buy it out? Would only be like $50/mo more than your lease if you do it for 72 months at 3%.


Bump make offers.

Bump make offers I want this thing gone.


Have you tried the big lease swap sites?