If I were to trade in the 6....

I have been having issues trying to decide on a new car. My 6 is at around 50,000 miles now, and I think I want to trade it in.

The problem is, I want to find a car to get that won’t make my payments larger than what they are now. I pay $367/month for my 6.

It’s a 2004 V-6 6S. Fully loaded, with heated leather, bose, 6-disk, power seat, moon roof, sport package, front/rear airbags.

I paid 23,900 for it in Nov 2003. I put a Down Payment of $5000. 2.9% APR. I still owe 10,000 on it.

The KBB trade in states around $13,000.

I don’t know what price range to look in, and I feel if I buy a car that’s 20,000 i’d be taking a step down. No leather, etc… just basic. Who wants basic? LOL

I have been to edmunds.com and kbb.com and I can’t seem to figure this whole trade-in thing out. Why does a car that costs the same as my car show me at a payment of well over $400/month?

What am I left with? the Honda Fit? Scion? WTF

so u dont want to go used…or atleast not older than ur car to save money??

#1 after you pay off your trade in, you’re only putting like 3k down, not 5, so your payments are gonna be higher this time around
and #2 they probably arent quoting you financing at 2.9%.

If you want a low payment and dont keep your cars that long, try leasing. My car stickered for $36k and change and i pay $267 a month, nothing down.

5k was his original DP on the 6…keep the 6 for another year or 2

I drove an 01 BMW 3XX at towne… 5sp manual, 26k mi, loaded, sport pkg etc etc…

they were asking $24k.

I <3 that car, you should go take a look at it…

Legacy GT 04 should be close to that amount. Turbo sedans FTW!

Financing a used car probly = taking it in the butt on the interest rate though, i bet it would be the same as a new car that cost $5k more

Maybe even consider getting a WRX since you drive your car in the winter. AWD + Turbo FTW!

Ahh, buying new cars is like wonderful.

especially when you realize how much money you are going to lose when you try to sell it later :frowning:

buy used

Buy a VW.

but also agreed on the leasing option, unless you plan to mod the car and can keep it within miles I Would go that route.

+1. If you want the warranty, buy barely used. I’m getting a GTO soon, and I’m looking at 05’s with < 8000 miles for about 8k under sticker. There’s a car with the majority of it’s warranty still left, but someone else took the new to used depreciation hit. I’ll be putting 10k or more down, so the fact that used car rates officially suck right now won’t be as big a problem.

The beater I have driving around for the last 4 years cost me less, total, than one month of his payment.

Says the guy that said he should lease.

:biglaugh: :biglaugh: :biglaugh: :biglaugh: :biglaugh: :biglaugh: :biglol:

I know a lightly used cobalt that you could take off someone’s hands…

never raced

Care to explain? For me to lease a car in the mid 30’s for 2 years with 24k miles is costing me $6400, with everything included. To buy, not only do you have to finance and pay interest/tax on the whole amount, but you’d pay more than that for 2 years of depreciation. The payments would be MUCH higher than $267 a month, and you still run the risk of going upside down.

Leasing a car is kinda like renting an apt.

no equity

But, if you like new cars… well… you pay to play.

Difference though is that housing appreciates while cars depreciate.

No equity > negative equity or paying twice as much and ending up with no equity.

I just went and testdrove a black 2004 GTO with 16k miles on it. If I get what I want for my trade, and they sell it to me for how much I want, the car payment will be the same.

So… what do you guys think? going from a 2004 Mazda 6S fully loaded with 48000 miles, to a 2004 GTO with 16k miles… :slight_smile: