If I were to trade in the 6....

PM replied…doooooeet

Good luck :tup:

DO IT Jeff! Come…to the dark side!

EDIT: Is it an M6 or auto?

GTO… no 05+, no care.
LS2 > LS1.
400 HP > 350 HP.
Scooped hood > not scooped hood.

LS2 GTO totally knocked the price on the 04 down. You can get 04’s with 10-20k miles for around 18-19k now, whereas 05’s are around 24k.

04 GTO + scooped hood + $5500 for a blower when warranty expires = 550HP. >LS2.

2004 GTO > 2004 Mazda 6
However, JayS has a very valid point as well. Decisions decisions…

Yeah, all good points.

Get the 04. I’ll just be faster than you when I get my 05 :wink:

I guess I should have done my research, but again… I need payments to be the same if not lower than what I have now.

The 05 would put me over budget.

Do you think I’ll feel less superior in the 04, knowing the 05 is faster… ???

Damnit, back to searching again :frowning:

Either way it’s better than what you have now, and potentially cheaper.

If you really feel less superior, get a scooped hood if thats your thing and spend $500-1000 in bolt ons that will put you a little ahead of a stock LS2.

I have a 220bHP FWD car right now, that weighs 3300 lbs. It does a 10.5 second 1/8th mile.

I honestly don’t think that a 350bHP RWD car weighing 3800 lbs and does 0-60 in 5.3 seconds will leave me feeling sad.

Either way, I think I win. The only thing I’ll be missing is the trunk space for my 1200w system :frowning: No more bass for me… :sad:

From another board

Cliffs Leasing is ok for a very small portion of the population. For the rest of us/you, it’s just allowing you to live beyond your means and waste money. People need to learn the difference between being able to “pay” for something and being able to “afford” something.

LOL i’m getting my system from my firebird installed in a couple weeks, 2 10’s, 800w amp for them, 300w speaker amp, 4 6.5 components.

What do you have, 12’s?

Interest rates have gone up so you can probably figure at least 4% financing. So… you might be able to come out ahead $3000 if you trade it in. So if you buy a 21,000 dollar car you get: (21000-3000)*1.0875 = 19575 financed @ 4% for 5 years = $360.50 per month.

Oh, and like Walter said, leasing is the suck. Paying a lot of interest from high rates and/or long terms is also the suck.

If you get the GTO…You’re going to love it.

damn, walter’s got some kickass posts

that just cleared up so much shit for me :tup:

i know that it did for some of you too but you’re too cool to admit it

He skewed the information to make himself look right though, if i had more time i could do the opposite. He picked a really really low depreciating vehicle, relatively, and fudged some numbers.

I only have a minute going down to the square but you can start by paying 8.75% tax on $20,000 worth of equity that you wouldnt have had to before($1800 extra up front.)
If you put your $10,000 down payment into a savings account earning 5% for the 3 years to make the payment out of, you still end up earning another thousand in interest.

Also, your lease payment depends directly on the buyout at the end of the lease. High buyout, low payments. Low buyout, high payments. If you pay high payments for 3 years, you’re likely to have the option to purchase the vehicle at well below market value. That covers the difference. Leasing can work out to be a great deal if you don’t go over the mileage, are smart about it, and dont have joel giambra credit.

hrm… if you get the time, i’d like to see the opposite bro :tup:

No, I didn’t “fudge” any numbers, none.

I only have a minute going down to the square but you can start by paying 8.75% tax on $20,000 worth of equity that you wouldnt have had to before($1800 extra up front.)
If you put your $10,000 down payment into a savings account earning 5% for the 3 years to make the payment out of, you still end up earning another thousand in interest.

Talk about fudging numbers, there are only one or two online only places you can get a 5% rate on a savings account. Why not quote HSBC down the road? Oh yea, it’s only %.25 on a regular savings account. :hang: Next, most leases require money down, there are specials run when you can get zero down, but guess what, you can get 0% on a car loan as well…

Also, your lease payment depends directly on the buyout at the end of the lease. High buyout, low payments. Low buyout, high payments. If you pay high payments for 3 years, you’re likely to have the option to purchase the vehicle at well below market value. That covers the difference. Leasing can work out to be a great deal if you don’t go over the mileage, are smart about it, and dont have joel giambra credit.

Really? Your astounding proof of “I told you so” has immediately changed my financial planning methods. How about the fun stuff you aren’t caring to remember, like the exorbitant rate you’ll have to pay when you go over your measly 12,000 miles/yr. Oh wait, that’s right, cheap charlie probably thought he’d save money by only getting 10,000 miles a year anyway. We’ve all had that friend “I can’t drive, I dont’ want to put miles on my lease” :touchy:

When it’s all said and done, cars are luxuries. Only in a VERY small percentage of the time does leasing make any sort of financial sense (arguably never). If you like cars, and want new ones, then you pay to play, it’s not that big a deal, but in reality, one isn’t necessarily “smarter” than the other, it’s just “less dumb”.

Everyone is entitled to spend their money however they want. You can buy plasma TVs on your credit card, and rent a phat apartment with a parking spot for your leased M3, but when it comes down to it, it’s just plain dumb money.

It’s ok, because most people really suck at money. :gotme:

I will know tuesday if the car is mine. They guy called me and we quickly talked 60-month payment of $375/month.

So, if the other buyer backs out… I may have the car for the price I was looking to pay. Very close to what I pay now. :slight_smile: