well, i got a new/used set of leather seats for the car. problem is that they are grey and not black. so i ordered the poop to dye the leather black from www.leatherworldtech.com
this weekend i am going to go through the motions on the arm rest. i figure i wont be pissed if i fuck up a part i wasnt going to use.
i will take pics and document the whole thing and do a little write up… maybe someone cares, maybe not… reguardless, i will still make a post about it.
So you are now making a post of how you are going to make a post. The only question that comes to mind is how did you come up with this post in the first place?
its a post for people with something constructive to add before i take sand paper to leather. it will then be purged of usless posts and turned into a how to.
then wet sanded with 400 grit. i should have done it just a little bit more, perhaps i should have used a little thinner on it to remove the last of the original color.
here is a pic with the arm rest on the seat. the seat obviously has not been touched.
the kit comes with a handy dandy sprayer thing. it works better than bad, but i shot an email over to the company to see if this stuff will work with an air bruch or a small gravity feed.
heres a pic with of the same seat and arm rest after the color dried.
it turned out a lot better than i thought it would. it needs to cure for a couple days, then have a protectant applied (came with the kit) and then be buffed out 24 hours after that.
i fills in small cracks, but it looks like some of the larger ones i may need to use a little filler on (doesnt come with the kit).
Ah, now I see what you mean about my car benefiting from this thread. Too bad I don’t plan on keeping the stock leather seats, and am seriously considering switching to cloth if I stay in stock class for more than two seasons. After that, the leather will be gone in favor of race seats anyway.
98ss10, the cream filler is listed on the website i posted in the first thread
jon, i havent even started the seats yet. they just got back to me yesterday and said i can use any sprayer. i am waiting for touch up spray gun to get delivered now. i figure i will get even better results that way.
some of us can go fast, handle, and have comfort. someday when you get big you will understand wanting comfort in your daily driver.