leather couch, entertainment center and computer desk

I only have a picture of the couch, but there is also a black entertainment center and corner computer desk for sale?

A client’s house is closing at the end of the month and he doesn’t have room for this stuff… I’ll update with pics next time I’m over there (tues maybe?)

I’ll find out what kind of money he wants for the stuff, but I think it’s best offer to clear it out of the townhouse without having to move them to the basement at his new house…

EDIT – miscommunication not a leather couch, the old picture was of the wrong couch!

I’ll add pics of the right couch below, once uploaded

Bes ure to check my new post at further down, more things added and this time all with pics…

Oh yeah, shoot me a pm… I’m gonna be forced into being the middle man anyhow, and all the gear is located near bellevue/north hills

might be interested in the computer desk. Will need pics and price first though

hey Mark, c if hes interested in free99 on the couch? Sure would look good in the new showroom, thanks

how much for the couch?

Couch is best offer, it’s in really good shape… He barely lived in this house for 3 1/2 yrs… he wants something for them, but doesn’t know what to ask… I’m sure he paid too much for it when he bought it, throw a number at him and I’ll see what he says… sorry I can’t help more than that…

Chaz, if it ends up free - you’ll have first dibs!

I’ll get pics next time I’m at the house (desk and entertainment center) but that won’t be until Tues at the earliest… and see above as far as price


sent pm on couch

got a couple pm’s on couch and a high bidder (sorry schmeider you got beat)

I’m gonna try to get an actual number from this guy. I don’t want to get into a bidding game, I’m not making any money here. Just trying to help him unload. I’ll be back to update as soon as I can, and I’ll respond again to the pm’s as well.


ya let me know on the couch and the entertainment center please. thanks

I’ve got pm’s from members who haven’t posted in this thread who are really upping the ante, I’m going to talk to this guy and try to get everything settled before lunch tomorrow (as far as updating the thread) I’ll be sure to keep everyone involved so far in the loop, and try to keep everything as fair as possible

Dog destroyed my couch… keep posted. I’ll give him a dog since he wont have a couch. NOT.

there are prices now, and if everyone still wants it then, it’s highest bidder remembering that it needs to be gone asap, so a quicker pickup could also help you out

Sorry everyone, That was the wrong couch, this is the right one. It’s not leather it’s a microfiber…
If there is still interest, price starts at 250…

The Entertainment stand, is a three piece deal

The corner desk…

this wasn’t part of the original post, but he doesn’t need this red chair anymore

this next one wasn’t part of the original post either, but his wife wants nothing to do with his “bachelor bed”
this thing was originally a few thousand dollars, so it’s a steal starting at 300. and it comes with the mattress…

alright then I’m off to reply to all the pm’s

What size is the bed and does it come with all the enclosure and mirrors??

He is trying to sell the “bed set” basically everything around it and underneath it, and giving the mattress away for free… It’s a queen bed I believe.

The biggest thing for this guy is speed to get everything out of the house. If he doesn’t know by monday, he has to arrange movers to bring it to his house. That’s part of why he is willing to sell everything so low, if it’s gone he doesn’t have to pay to move it. The sale ended up being a fast close, so we got caught off guard. We are closing on the 31st, and everything must be gone well before then!

For the record, I just recieved an offer on the entertainment center. I’ll consider it sold once it’s gone. Also recieved a note of serious interest on the bed…

the couch and the computer / corner table I want to hear back from everyone I was talking with, but everything else is first with cash… Money talks, but he who shows up with it will walk with the gear!

curious how big of a tv can the black entertainment center hold? if it holds my big screen I might take it.

can u do me a favor and tell me how tall the middle piece is?

I think the couch is sold, money promised, pick-up promised, but because there were so many people who had interest, I’ll wait until Sunday night before saying it’s gone!

i’ll take the computer desk. i can pick it up this afternoon/evening or tommorow morning . pm me back with some details when i can come get it